Lots of scholarships awarded to class of 2018
25 seniors received their diplomas last Friday, May 25 at Prairie High School’s graduation ceremony.
Valedictorians Dereck Arnzen, Anthony Karel, Leah Higgins, Jace Perrin, Calli Perrin and Molly Schwartz received their valedictorian medals while Alexis Shears received her salutatorian medal.
High honors graduates Sydney Bruner, Tucker Hibbard, Trista Latimer, Jade Peery, Josie Peery, Sarah Ross, Delaney Uhlenkott and Angela Wemhoff received their medals to go with their honor cords.
Honors students Hunter Chaffee, Colton Keith, Luke Schwartz, Sierah Poxleitner and Jacob Stubbers received their medals.
Scholarships announced during the ceremonies are as follows:
Citizenship Awards, which include $1500 Cottonwood Lions Club scholarships: Molly Schwartz and Anthony Karel.
John Kernan Memorial Knights of Columbus scholarship worth $340: Karel.
Prairie Booster Club $200 scholarships, 3 awarded: Tucker Hibbard, Delaney Uhlenkott and Angela Wemhoff.
Prairie Booster Club Maurice Shinn Sportsmanship scholarship worth $250: Leah Higgins.
Sr. Mary Clare and Sr. Stephanie $500 scholarship: Molly Schwartz.
St. Mary’s Hospital Employees Scholarship worth $500: Higgins.
Travis Uhlenkott Memorial worth $500 each: Alexis Shears and Uhlenkott.
Jacob Riener Memorial worth $500: Dereck Arnzen.
Carl Gibbs Memorial worth $100: Hibbard.
Camas Professional Counseling $200 scholarship: Uhlenkott.
Burt Lute Memorial worth $200: Arnzen.
Advanced Welding $500 scholarship: Hibbard.
Following are other scholarships awarded that the school is aware of:
Dereck Arnzen-Gear Up, Grange Insurance, Presidential Freshman Academic, Stivers T Prepare for Tomorrow, Curtis and Mardo Eaton, McGregor Company.
Sydney Bruner-College of Quinnipiac, Grange Insurance, School Board, Gear Up.
Hunter Chaffee-Gear Up.
Tucker Hibbard-Beta Seed Scholarship-FFA, Gear Up, University of Idaho Silver.
Leah Higgins-Gonzaga Dean, Gear Up, Opportunity, Idaho County Light & Power, Idaho County Farm Bureau.
Anthony Karel-Gear Up, Tri-Parish, LCSC Presidential, LCSC Counselor.
Trista Latimer-Gear Up.
Jade Peery-Gear Up, Idaho’s Opportunity.
Sierah Poxleitner-Gear Up.
Luke Schwartz-Gear Up, Opportunity.
Molly Schwartz-U of I Platinum, Northwest Farm Credit, Gear Up, Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce, Northwest DAR Good Citizen Award, Idaho DAR Good Citizen Award, Farm Bureau.
Alexis Shears-Gear Up, Capital Scholars, Farm Bureau.
Delaney Uhlenkott-Gear Up, Whitney Sonnen Senior Project.
Angela Wemhoff-Walla Walla Community College Basketball. 

Anthony Karel and Dereck Arnzen give their valedictory addresses together.

Co-valedictorian Molly Schwartz and Salutatorian Alexis Shears gave their speeches together.

Jace Perrin giving his valedictory address.

Calli Perrin giving her valedictorian speech.

Leah Higgins during her valedictorian speech.

Commencement speaker Krystal Ellis a PHS grad and former teacher at Prairie.

Jace Perrin, Anthony Karel and Dereck Arnzen led the class during the Processional.

Alexis Shears and Molly Schwartz during the Processional.

Calli Perrin and Leah Higgins during the Processional.

Leah Higgins gets a hug from Patty Hinkelman.

Sarah Ross gets a hug from a well-wisher.

Alexis Shears and Molly Schwartz gets hugs after graduation.

The color guard brings in the flags while Sally Rehder gets ready to sing the ‘Star Spangled Banner” to open graduation.

The mortarboards fly signaling that the graduation ceremony is over.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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