Duck Race raises $4900 for girls basketball program
Alexis Hiler organized a duck race fundraiser for the Prairie Girls Basketball team as her senior project.
Enough ducks were sold that even after paying the prizewinners there was still $4900 to turn over to the girls basketball program.
Winners this year were: First place-Jim and Sally Rehder, who won $200. Second place-Bell Equipment, Inc., who won $100. Third place-Lisa Forsmann, who won $75. Fourth place-Greg Mader who won $50 and fifth place went to Pat & Lorrie Poxleitner, who won $20.
Alexis and the team would like to thank everyone for their support in making this year’s duck race successful.
The Prairie Girls Basketball team thanks you for your ongoing support and invite you to come and watch them play this season. They hope to see you at the games!

Members of the Prairie girls basketball team after holding their Duck Race fundraiser. The girls holding ducks are holding the top 5 winners. Pictured from left are coach Lori Mader, Delaney Lockett, Molly Johnson, Trinity Martinez, Olivia Klapprich,  Ali Rehder, India Peery, Jordyn Higgins, Kodie Tidwell, Sydnee Bruegeman, Alexis Hiler and Halle Klapprich.Photo provided by Lori Mader.

Alexis Hiler presents a check for $4,900, see lower photo, to Lori Mader for the proceeds of the Duck Race which raised money for the Prairie girls basketball program. The event was Hiler’s senior project. Photos provided by Lori Mader.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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