Two Minute Talent Show winners
First Place Winners (receiving $100 cash prize and an Idaho County Fair Rosette)
Ages 6 – 12: Dally Sue Griffth
Ages 13  -  14: Trinity Martinez
Ages 15+: Molly VanStynwick
Second Place Winners (receiving $50 cash prize)
Ages 6 – 12: Madison Melendez
Ages 13  -  14: Whitney Andrews & Reenah Williams
Ages 15+: Elise Andrews
Third Place Winners (receiving $25 cash prize)
Ages 6 – 12: Halee Rowland
Ages 13  -  14: Peyton Andrews
Ages 15+: Pixie Jones & Julia Williams (tie).

4Second place winners in the Two-Minute Talent show are Whitney Andrew & Reenah Williams, Elise Andrews and Madison Melendez.

Third place winners in the Two-Minute Talent Show from left are Payton Andrews, Pixie Jones, Julia Williams and Halee Rowland. 

The Two-Minute Talent Show judges, the mayors of Riggins, Grangeville and Cottonwood.

Above are the first place winners during their performances. From top down are Dally Sue Grifftih, age 6-12 winner; Trinity Martinez, 
13-14 year old winner and Molly VanStynwick, 15+ winner.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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