School Board meets
An update on the bleacher project was presented at the September meeting of the school board Monday, Sept. 17.
Caleb McWilliams, Carson Schmidt and Spencer Schumacher presented a slide show on the project showing the stages of construction. All 3 are seniors at Prairie High School and took on the project as their senior projects.
Board members praised them for their work. A lot of people have made use of them at the varsity, JV and junior high home football games.
A reminder was given to the board that the October meeting will start at 5:30 p.m. and that will continue until April, 2019.
The Idaho School Board Association Conference, set for Nov. 14-16, was discussed. So far only one board member has committed to going.
There is a regional ISBA meeting in Lewiston on Sept. 26. At this time there are no board members planning on attending.
Another section of the policy manual was reviewed and approved.
In the facilities update Superintendent Rene’ Forsmann said the heating project was completed at the jr./sr. high school. She said she feels they ought to call for bids on the next phase in November so that things get done earlier in the summer. Due to delay of heating unit deliveries it was nip and tuck whether they would get done before school started this year. She commented that the contractor did a good job of cleaning up and replacing carpet.
On tap for next summer so far is a sealcoat of the lower parking lot at the jr./sr. high. The aforementioned continuation of updating the heating system at the jr./sr. high and painting of 10 more doors at the Elementary.
Forsmann said they may also need to look at the flooring at the Elementary.
Tara Klapprich asked about the girls bathroom sinks at the high school gym. You currently have to hold the faucet on to get water making it very difficult to wash your hands. She also asked about having a changing table.
Tara Rowland asked about the water fountain at the Elementary. Forsmann said they have looked at that but to do anything they would have to cut into the concrete blocks and are not sure what they might find once they do that.
In administrative reports Forsmann said the Elementary students will join the Homecoming Parade at the Church parking lot. 
The Elementary School open house was very well attended.
Testing is getting undeway with the Istation (former IRI) for K-3, i-Ready (math) for K-2 and benchmark testing for K-6.
In her superintendent’s report she said the CNA program will be taken over by IDLA and LCSC next year. Students will still be able to take the same courses, the way they pay for them would be different.
Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy needs are being handled by St. Mary’s Hospital.
Jon Rehder reported MAP testing is done for the fall and dual credit registration has been completed.
The junior class will be going to the U of I for a college day on Oct. 3.
PSAT testing will be done at the Community Hall on Oct. 10.
FAFSA night is also on Oct. 10 at 6 p.m. in the high school library.
This is Homecoming week. Powder Puff football and volleyball are Wednesday. The Parade starts at 6 p.m. on Friday.
He reported they had a blood drive on Sept. 13. 32 people signed up but only 22 were able to donate. The students that were part of the Haiti Mission are unable to donate until a full year after they were there. There will be another blood drive in the spring.
They are bringing back the student of the month program.
He made an adjustment to the bell schedule after student body president Kristyna Krogh and student body vice-president Alexis Hiler presented a proposal saying 3 minutes wasn’t enough time get from some classes to the next one. 
The meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m. The next regular meeting is Monday, Oct. 15 at 5:30 p.m.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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