Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Proposition 2 saves lives
Absentee ballots are out and Prop 2 is up for a vote after signatures were gathered to get the issue on the ballot.  Election day is Nov 6.
The greatest benefit of Prop 2 is it provides medical insurance to the working poor and the mentally ill in the "Gap".  People in the insurance "Gap" (those that cannot qualify for medicaid because they make too much money and not eligible for subsidies by not making enough money) consist of approx 62,000 Idahoans.
I serve on the Region II Behavioral Health Board where we work to improve the lives of those with mental illness and substance use disorders.  We find many of those we advocate for will benefit from medicaid expansion with access to health care.
Another huge benefit is the support Medicaid Expansion will do to secure our rural hospitals.  Syringa and St. Mary's hospitals each lose roughly $1 million to bad debt and Clearwater Valley hospital loses roughly $1.5 million each year.  Medicaid Expansion will cover most of these losses and help secure and protect our rural hospitals.  
Proposition 2 will eliminate County indigency funds ($400,000 tax savings in Idaho County and appox $40 million of taxes to counties statewide).  It also will eliminate the Idaho State Catastrophic Health Care fund to the tune of appox $50 million in tax savings.  The state will need to pay a 10% match for medicaid expansion, however, it is a fraction of what tax payers pay now on health care for those who don't have health insurance.  When a person goes to the county indigent program to cover health care expenses, their property is liened until the debt is paid; so folks are stuck with long term debt, many for life. 
Some oppositon is due to birth control controversy.  Medicaid expansion is no different than current Medicaid program.  In my view, we should  be looking to what the insurance will do for prevention, curbing chronic illness, premature death (approximately 500 people in Idaho will die prematurely each year) and helping folks move out of poverty due to huge medical bills.  
Search https://dhwblog.com/2018/07/30/new-report-analyzes-financial-impact-of-potential-medicaid-expansion-under-idaho-ballot-initiative-link-faqs/ for facts.  
Our friends and neighbors will greatly benefit from "Gap" health insurance.  Please vote "yes" for Proposition 2.  The benefits for healthier people, securing our rural hospitals, cuts in county and state taxes, and economic stimulus are reasons to support Proposition 2.
Jim Rehder
Cottonwood, Idaho

Dear Sirs:
Idaho is probably the most conservative state in the union.  But, that is not something that we ought to take for granted.  We must continue to work to elect men and women who support the Constitution and who will work to reduce the size of government and protect our freedoms.
Such a person is Russ Fulcher who is running for the Congressional First District as a Republican.  He has a long history of working for Constitutional law and protecting the freedoms of the citizens of Idaho.  He is a natural to fill the seat being vacated by Raul Labrador.  In fact he is endorsed by Labrador for that position.
If you want to keep Idaho free, along with the rest of the nation then you need to vote for Russ Fulcher on November 6.  No one else comes even close to the standards he has for his office.  Want to know more?  Check out his web site at Russfulcher.com.
Jim Hollingsworth
Coeur d’Alene

Redneck Review!
No. 180 - 10/1/18
Wake up America #2!  A second week in a row, it seems again a "bit brash" to start an article in such a way!  Last week several quotations from recognized individuals warned of a potential disaster ahead because of our exploding national debt, fueled by our constantly growing deficit which is projected to be almost another trillion dollars in 2019! A problem for our FED, because a growing concern over increased inflation is causing them to inch up the base interest rate, with the intent of two or more increases in the future.
But this has its dangers! With debt everywhere at an all time high, this means that even tiny increases in the interest level puts a severe burden on debt holders, threatens increased bankruptcies on the one hand, and a potential collapsing stock market on the other. The bottom line is, that years of interest rates near zero have encouraged increased debt, for the builders of homes, purchases of new automobiles, to risky investments in the stock market.
Repeatedly claimed in these reviews is that the FED dares not increase rates too much or too fast, or they might bring down the economy and cause another serious deflation or even a depression which several so-called "experts" claim could be as bad or worse than the 1930's one!  Ouch!  I hesitate to mention even the possibility that this could happen!  But common sense tells us that our economic path is a dangerous one, and cannot continue!  
But, the economic situation might not be the most serious threat today! The political scene poses possibly even more serious problems! A quick look can bring this into sharp focus!
As discussed at length in review #108 dated 5/15/2017, Venezuela has had a collapse in living standards in the last 75 years. From an "unprecedented era of economic prosperity...making it the most prosperous country in Latin America, and... the country with the 4th highest per capita GDP in the world by 1950," it has under socialists Chavez and Maduro, declined to a nation of starving people who are desperate for even the most basic food and water.
That review over a year ago quoted the following: "Some 87% of the people are unable to buy food... have resorted to hunting dogs, cats... and even the protected pink flamingoes to stave off hunger, with a result in rising crime, blackouts, and protests against the government."
And the news today from Venezuela? A recent email on my computer featured an Associated Press video showing people desperately grabbing rotten meat that was being thrown away because of a failure in the refrigeration system.  From Craig R. Smith, quoted in Independent Living, Sept. 2018, p. 3: "The International Monetary Fund says Venezuela's inflation will sky rocket to one million percent by the end of the year as the government continues to print money. President Maduro's proposed solution is to strike five zeros off the bolivar bank notes. Imagine watching your life savings of 1,000,000 bolivars instantly shrink to just 10 bolivars!" 
And from the same source: "For Venezuelans working at the government's minimum wage, it now costs more than three weeks of labor to afford one cup of coffee in Caracas."
Help me understand why a large percentage of our universities, and a scary percent of our own college age children are so enamored with socialism?  And why our press, Hollywood stars, and many well known politicians are determined to pursue the socialist path in our country? And what can we as individuals do about it?  That answer a topic for next week!
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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