Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!
No. 195 - 1/14/2019
Let us face the facts, folks!  WE are in trouble!  The WE are all hard working, peace loving people here and around the world!  "In trouble" because the daily demands of earning a living and caring for families leaves little time for keeping up with threats to our way of life.
Saying this scares me a bit, because no one likes to be the "bearer of bad news." And no one willingly attempts the old OSTRICH solution, of "burying the head in the sand" to avoid facing problems! (A good thing, because the old myth is no longer accepted as true!)
So what are issues today which might threaten our freedom and our way of life?
1)The government shutdown and "THE WALL!"  How is it possible that our relatively young country has become so dependent on government that a few week stop in funding for some relatively few services can be considered such a disaster? Only some two hundred years ago, a very short time in the history of nations, virtually no one depended on government for anything, other than protection from outside invasion and law breakers inside!  And the
WALL!  Is it a good thing or not? My opinion puts me at odds with both sides of the matter!
On the one side are those who advocate "Nations without Borders!"  Not much in the news today, but true it is that a hard push is underway to destroy national borders, and allow any one to go anywhere they choose.  Even Europe recently is beginning to realize that unlimited immigration simply does not work!  But is a WALL the answer here?  Totally "politically not correct" is the RNR position that our crazy "freebee" system is a big part of the cause. And one of the big reasons why even a WALL will not stop the push to come here! The $5 billion cost is not really the problem, being only about .5 percent of our 2019 federal budget! That is like arguing over spending $1  from a sum of money totaling around $100!
Granted that many who want to come here are willing to work, and do when it is available, the truth still is that our national phobia giving away free education, free health care, free this and free that to anyone and everyone, citizen or foreigner alike, is a very  REAL CAUSE! Common sense and history alike tell us that give away programs draw people like bees to honey!  And  history records the fate of nation after nation that taxes the producer more and more to give increased benefits to all on the lower end of the economic scale.  The real solution is simple! Require all who want to come here to become productive citizens who learn our language and pay their own way!  But, any possibility this will happen?  Not if you read the article on page 3A of last Sunday's Lewiston Tribune!  The headline tells it all!  "Dems roll out big health care proposal in the states."   Who really needs to read that article to know what the proposals are! And is there any possibility that government today will cut back or further limit such programs?
2) Another recent Tribune article claimed that 88% of our national congressmen responded to a poll saying they were Christians!  But how can this be?  We still tolerate abortions here at a rate over 3000 a day!  And many of those legally aborted babies are beyond the age that many pre-mature children survive and later live normal lives!  Planned Parenthood, one of the best well known supporter of abortions, has received billions of our tax dollars over the years!  Yes, how can this be?  Everyone knows that these Christian religions date back some 2000 years, and their claimed founder Jesus Christ, the greatest of all lovers of life, would not today, and never ever would excuse even one abortion!    Does this apparent contradiction puzzle any of us who also claim to be Christian?  Or is there an easy answer to "How can this be?"
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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