Hinkelman named board chairman
Aaron Hinkelman was voted in as new school board chairman at their January meeting Monday, Jan. 21.
Legislation was approved this past year changing the way school boards are to lay out their agendas and also moved their annual meetings from July to January.
Gus Hoene had asked that he not be re-nominated and Hinkelman agreed to take the post. Pat Alfrey was re-elected as vice-chairman. Denise Uhlenkott was re-appointed as clerk-treasurer with Cheri Holthaus and  Lynn Rehder as assistant treasurers so they can legally handle the student accounts at their respective buildings.
A code of ethics was approved and signed by each board member.
Meeting dates were kept at the third Monday of each month with the meeting time to continue at 5:30 p.m. for October through April and at 7 p.m. for May through September.
Check signers will continue to be the board chairman, vice-chairman and clerk-treasurer with at least two having to sign any checks.
Rene’ Forsmann was appointed as civil rights officer, a new position required by the State Legislature.
In other business the meeting date for February was changed to Tuesday, Feb. 19 at 7 p.m. due to the President’s Day holiday. It will still be at the Elementary School.
The bus bid approved at the last meeting was changed. There were concerns with service issues with the low bidder and after discussing those concerns with the bidder and getting them to sign off, it was approved to go with the second low bidder, Western Mountain Sales, who does regularly service local area buses. The bid difference was about $500, which would be subtracted from the bus depreciation money the district gets back from the state according to clerk-treasurer Denise Uhlenkott.
Robin Riener’s resignation as a cook was accepted by the board and Risa Mader, who had been serving as a substitute cook, was approved for hire as her replacement.
Sharon Deimler was approved for hire as the Elementary School janitor. She had been hired on a trial basis and superintendent Rene’ Forsmann said she has been doing a great job and loves doing it.
In the facilities report Forsmann said they may be holding off on seal-coating the lower parking lot at the jr./sr. high school due to some water issues.
In her superintendent’s report Forsmann talked about the funding formula proposal. Apparently it is being pushed by a couple of legislators looking to address some inequities. Unfortunately when you fix those for one set of school districts, it costs others. Forsmann said to stay tuned as things could still change.
She also reported an inspector was at the buildings on Jan. 15 and reported this is a great facility with supportive folks who take care of safety and building issues before they become an issue. He gave commendations to the staff.
In her elementary principal’s report Forsmann noted the KC Hoop Shoot was held last Thursday.
Ski Day was last Friday at Cottonwood Butte for grades 4-6.
A cheer camp will be held January 31-Feb. 4 with the kids cheering at the boys final home game on Feb. 5.
Hunter Safety is Feb. 4-8 for students in grade 5.
Winter testing is coming up.
Jon Rehder reported he has had 6 new students at the Jr./Sr. High School. Two 8th graders, three 9th graders and one 10th grader.
He reported Mrs. Quintal has shared scholarship information with seniors.
Dual credit registration was on Friday.
BPA had a competition at Lewiston last Friday.
The FFA will have a meats evaluation and job interview competition on this coming Friday at the U of I.
New scoreboards were installed on Dec. 27 by Kris Shears, Derik Shears, Jake Forsmann, Dave Shears and Jim and Jon Rehder. Kris Shears also installed LED lights in the Pepsi/Pirates signs that will be on 24/7.
The Alumni games were a success and raised $634 for the athletic funds.
Jr. High students attended Ski Day at Cottonwood Butte 
The meeting adjourned to an executive session for the superintendent evaluation at 6:30 p.m.
After that was over they approved the contract for Rene Forsmann.
The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, Feb. 19 at 7 p.m.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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