Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!
No. 197 - 1/28/2019
Just happened to hear the old saying: "A house divided against itself cannot stand!" just this morning!  Coming this time from the gospel of Mark, Ch. 3, v. 25, it came to mind also that President Lincoln  made almost this exact same claim in a speech given during his run for the presidency in June of 1858!  And of course, down through the ages this same comment and claim has been made repeatedly by several notable speakers commenting on the serious conditions they were facing at the time!
Could this same claim be made about our United States today?  And is there any reason to be concerned if it does apply?  Well, that thought drives me to the following thoughts, despite the criticism that comes to anyone who stresses the "negative!"  One hears always that people should stress the positive and "stop being so negative!"  Well, there is truth in that statement to be sure, but still one should be aware of disaster if for some reason it is
staring you in the face!  A simple example of a "negative" would be a sign seen driving along which shouts in big red letters: "WARNING!  Bridge out down the road, reverse directions and take detour!"
Any even casual follower of the news today knows that we are DIVIDED SERIOUSLY in our country today!  Bluntly speaking, on one side are those who look back to the spiritual leader ship of Christ, who proclaimed that the GREATEST COMMANDMENT was to "Love God with your whole heart and soul and your neighbor as yourself," and of course the well known TEN COMMANDMENTS endorsed by HIM and recognized for centuries as the universal standard of correct conduct.  Simply put, this philosophy required all followers to value highly the miracle of life, the importance of each and every individual, and the requirement that each person be responsible, take care of family and friends, and put out a helping hand to those in need.  And finally, to realize and accept the reality of immortal life with award and punishment at the end based on conduct in this life!
On the other side is the increasingly popular belief that our country and the world should be organized along SOCIALIST lines,  that the average individual is dependent upon a group of elites who represent the ruling state, that incomes and standards of living should be equalized, that important RIGHTS should be FREE:  FREE education, FREE medical care, FREE access to the standard of living enjoyed by the wealthiest, etc. etc.  In reality, an excellent example is a dairy herd, where the owner is responsible for every entity in his herd, will provide necessities of life in exchange for production by the masses.  Marx said it plainly, "From each according to ability, to each according to need!"  Of course that requires the systematic elimination of each cow... woops... each person who is unwilling or unable to keep up their production!
COMMON SENSE, and the lessons of history tells thoughtful  people which is the logical way to organize society.  Look at Venezuela today, and the sordid history of many past socialist examples!  Yet... HOW CAN IT BE... that so many of our citizens today, especially the young, have fallen for this bankrupt system with its clarion call that life can be easy and free!?
For over three years now, these RED NECK REVIEW articles, and for a similar three years in the mid 1980s in articles found in the Cottonwood Chronicle,  LET FREEDOM RING, an effort has been made to pass along pertinent and important information dealing with problems which then and now threaten to destroy us! Admitted here is that all information printed is not my own creation, but comes from expert sources, and condensed by myself and passed along to any  who are interested!  Reviews 198, 199, and 200 will detail said sources in weeks to come! 
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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