Leadership Idaho Agriculture Class 39 graduates
On Friday March 1, 2019 Class 39 of Leadership Idaho Agriculture (LIA) graduated in Boise and joined the ranks of 958 other alumni across the state. Prairie residents participating in Class 39 include Katie Mosman and Jared Everson of Grangeville, Ben Schumacher of Cottonwood, and Cole Riggers of Craigmont. 
Ms. Mosman is an Agricultural Education teacher at Grangeville High School. Mr. Everson is the District Conservationist for USDA-NRCS in Idaho County, Mr. Schumacher is a field consultant for Seeds, Inc., and Mr. Riggers is a self-employed farmer in the Craigmont and Nezperce areas. 
During the final session in Boise, Ms. Mosman and Mr. Riggers delivered speeches to Governor Brad Little in the Capitol, Mr. Everson was a presenter for a Pro/Con public policy debate, and Mr. Schumacher served on Mr. Everson’s debate group.  
LIA is a premier leadership development program that works directly to cultivate leaders in agriculture. Course participants experience four week-long sessions starting with Moscow in November, Pocatello in December, Twin Falls in January, and ending with Boise in February. Throughout the course class members receive training in developing public policy, public speaking, time management, effective meetings, conflict resolution, media interaction, etiquette, and receive a host of presentations from speakers related to the agriculture field. Class members also attend tours of local agribusinesses in several locations. LIA has graduated 988 class members since 1985, and strives to provide hands-on learning experience to develop advocates for agriculture and rural communities who will serve as voice for the industry.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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