Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Dear Editor,
Is Idaho’s Complicity with Federal Debt for Defending Inherent Liberties or Bestowing Favors?
To me, true, inherent liberties of an individual are not granted by government, the Constitution, a legislature, or a person in power.  If they were, they are not liberties but favors bestowed upon individuals by those with ‘more power’.  And if the practice of bestowing favors by those with ‘more power’ using ‘law’  as a tool, the bestowing of financial favors via the public treasury has already transpired.  True, individual liberties, not favors, are the basis of proper government, for they preceded government and superseded legislation.  For life, liberty, and property did not originate from man-made law.  On the contrary, it’s the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.   If not, I can think of no argument to be made to defend the inherent rights of an individual’s life, his healthy volition, his property, due process, the right to bear arms, freedom of speech and to peaceably assemble, protection from illegal searches, faith, and so on (U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights and Idaho’s Constitution’s Declaration of Rights).   For these, if not true liberties, are bestowed ‘favors’.  And if bestowing favors is the ‘role of government’, the collected taxes of the public treasury, according to those ‘in power’, is free game to those they consider ‘in need’ and their administrators, agencies, departments.  Could ‘bestowing favors’ explain, in large part, the nation’s $22 trillion debt and Idaho’s complicit budget?
Scott Perrin

To the editor,
I recently had the opportunity to read several of Jerry Wren’s columns, “Let Freedom Ring” They come across in an easy folksy way like the “Prairie Home Companion“ but have the depth of the philosophy of St. Augustine and the practicality of Thomas Paine. I believe many people could be influenced and inspired with these interesting columns.
Bob Budnik

Redneck Review!
No. 206 - 4/8/2019
It's decision time!  For you, for me, and in fact for all Americans who love their country and are willing to do something to keep it the way we have treasured it in the past!
Just what is that decision each of us must make, either deliberately with our eyes wide open, or by  accident as we are carried along by the latest fad or momentum? Simply this in the opinion of the writer of these reviews:  Will each of us buy into the traditional idea of what the average human being is, or fall for the growing modern idea that we are really nothing more than a collective group of living entities who require supervision and assistance, very much like the dairy herd which is owned, controlled, fed and used by the owner or the manager at the top.  A system in which the "herd," us, is dependent upon the managers, and in turn, can make certain demands that those same managers treat us in a specific way.  Make sure we are fed appropriately for example, that we can receive the proper medical care when ill or banged up by an accident!  And incidentally, disposed of when as individuals we are no longer a plus on the ledger of the owner/manager!
So, what might be the heart of the "traditional system" mentioned above, and discussed at some length in earlier reviews?  A few characteristics are suggested here for consideration, with claim attached that a look back in history will illustrate a people who fit the descriptions mentioned here!
1)Basic is the conviction in our past history that our ancestors believed in a creator God, with a loving interest in us, the creatures.  Individuals for the most part given a mind, and a will, free to make decisions.  An individual who knew that there were awards and punishments for those free will actions taken during a relative brief time on this earth, usually not exceeding 80, 90, or at the most 100 years. Not only did some of these awards or punishments show up during the individual's lifetime, but ultimately determined an eternity of life after death, an existence in the heaven prepared for the worthy by the Creator, or an eternity of pain in the Biblically discussed
"Fires of Gahanna," or in a more common term,  Hell!
2) While alive on earth, some of the dire consequences of poor free will choices made include jail or even a death sentence for actions totally unacceptable by the Creator whose famous "Ten Commandments" set clear moral standards.  Or poverty and starvation for anyone who is not willing to make the necessary effort to care for one self!  Or sickness, or ill health for those who defiantly ignore accepted rules for healthy living.  And of course, equally condemning is the individual who turns a blind eye or deaf ear on a fellow citizen who desperately needs help because of natural deficiencies, or of random accidents or sickness over which no control is or was possible!   The list could go on and on, but, basic to this more traditional way of thinking is the realization that each and every individual, including the unborn child still in the womb, is a miraculous product of the mystery of life, given to us by the Creator above, and still a mystery unsolved by our greatest scientists and philosophers.
For a lengthy discussion of the individual being THE GREATEST MIRACLE IN THE WORLD, read Og Mandino's book by the same title, still available on Amazon.  Just plug in the search words   Og Mandino, and find that book plus many others written years ago by this very famous author. Focus on Ch. 9 in that book for 15 pages of miraculous characteristics of every human body! Or for a short summary of his claim, see RNR #26 for a summary of these characteristics!
(Next week, a closer look at the emerging modern theory of human beings and their potential!)
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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