Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

To the Editor,

BYU-Idaho Apologizes for Scheduling at Easter: Local Issue? 
It’s a local issue if freedom of press, speech, religion, to peaceable assemble, and redress of grievances are valued liberties.  The 1st amendment contains these 5 liberties, grouped together because they affect/depend on each other.  Can you have freedom of speech without freedom of press?  Can you have freedom of press without freedom of speech?  Can I peaceably assemble and not have freedom of speech or press? How about freedom of religion or redressing grievances without freedom of press or speech?  They are so intertwined that if one is lost, the others are lost too. History teaches us that civil liberties are not lost when religious liberty is maintained.   Classes never start the day after Christmas.   So between semesters, why classes started the day after Easter was a puzzle to me.    Easter is part of BYU-Idaho’s mission statement “to develop disciples of Jesus Christ”.  Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ there would be no school or Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  The excuse of ‘scheduling’ was unsatisfactory: ‘meeting all external directives from the Department of Education, Financial aid, and other regulations…is challenging and restrictive’.  Our kids skipped classes so to worship together Easter Sunday and enjoy family time.  I realize this wasn’t possible for all families, but hopefully future calendaring will improve, and 1st amendment liberties are maintained.
Scott Perrin

Redneck Review!
No. 208 - 4/22/2019
This week, a step back two weeks to RNR #206, which opened with the statement: "It's decision time!  For you, for me, and in fact for all Americans who love their country...."
Then that same review ended with the statement: "Next week, a closer look at the emerging modern theory of human beings and their potential."
And what happened since then? Our traditional Easter, recalling the one time event of a man tortured, crucified, and laid in a tomb, only days later to rise again by His own power. Then appear back in the area, seen by His apostles , and by many groups of people as large as 500. The Bible and common consensus among His Christian followers today tells us that this man thus established proof that He was indeed the Son of God, by first appearing alive out of His tomb, then spending 40 days on earth prior to an ascent into heaven, to be reunited to HIs heavenly Father. Say nothing of the dozens of other miracles worked in His public life of three years, curing the sick and lepers, casting out devils, and even raising others back to life, after being convinced dead by friends and relatives. Of NO OTHER INDIVIDUAL IN HISTORY can such claims be made, all happening in just three years of His public life!
Oh sure!  There are many today who scoff at the above claim, including many in the Jewish community who still insist that His resurrection story is a hoax, that somehow His close friends or apostles "stole the body from the grave," and thus were able to perpetuate the claim that He was indeed "The Son of God."  And this claim and those who believe it brings us down to the present time to the "emerging modern theory of human beings" spoken of two weeks ago and in the paragraph above!
Bluntly, the claim here is that the "modern theory" makes no sense, and does not stand the test of time, or common sense!  So just what are the characteristics of the belief system that is in the news today and driving many in our country to demand it?
For starters, there is a growing denial of the importance of a Creator God, or even existence of such a being.  Immediately, those holding  this belief drop their respect for the miracle of life, and tolerate or even blatantly demand the right to abort new life in the womb, and even in extreme cases, to allow the death of unwanted newborns, or aging individuals, even promoting it or demanding it in some instances.  Immediately related to this is the conviction that human life should be regulated, and provided for by appropriate individuals who somehow are given the task of caring for the masses.  All basic needs are to be guaranteed for those singled out to receive them, while the unfortunate individuals who do not measure up, because of race, or other arbitrary standards, are systematically ignored or even "weeded" out!  The system relied on by these "planners" in the past and at present has come to be known as "socialism."
Harsh it seems to be when claimed, but history and common sense, and a willingness to look critically at the facts, prove the claim that IT DOES NOT WORK!  Socialism has proved to be a 100% failure everywhere tried historically, most recently in Venezuela.  Examples abound in history for the person genuinely interested in its track record!  Yet the provable fact is that more than half of college instructors, and a growing number of our national legislators have fallen in love with this bankrupt system, and are working day and night to bring it here in our country! And the related fact that it is becoming more acceptable by our youth requires another hard look next week and in the future!
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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