Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!
No. 210 - 5/6/2019
Review #209 opened with a challenge last week! "Can someone out there help me under stand why our country... continues to dabble more and more with the failed systems, of DEMOCRACY and its economic partner SOCIALISM?" And that review closed with the comment, "Topic concluded next week!"  So "next week" is here, and following are a few more pertinent comments on the topics discussed then and mentioned above! And by the way, no response to the challenge issued then has come forth!  So we continue!
First, we are told that far too many high schools and colleges today make no effort to teach our children today about our significant past history, the contribution made by our founding fathers, and the difference between terms like DEMOCRACY and REPUBLIC.
There is a big difference between the last two terms above. And that difference can best be noted by studying the following: First:  DEMOCRACY:  People ---> government.  Second: REPUBLIC:  God ---> people ---> government.  Third:  DIVINE RIGHT:  God ---> government ---> people,  and  Fourth: Government ---> people. The history of governments can in every case be fitted into one of the four mentioned here!
The first, DEMOCRACY, is historically accredited for the first time to the government in the city state of Athens, Greece. There government policy was decided by the voting male, with no significant input by the dozens of Greek gods found in their religion.  A REPUBLIC on the other hand, guaranteed by our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, required that the voting public recognize a Supreme Being governing the conduct of that public.  This
is clearly indicated by the Declaration statement:  "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, when any form of government becomes destructive of those ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it..." There you have it!  A clear distinction between the notion of Democracy which is the world-wide rage today, and the American system which is the basis of everything we have enjoyed, but which is seriously threatened today!
The third, Divine Right system, clearly represents the governments in England years ago, and even in China, where the belief was that God or a god empowered the leader to rule.  And all can quickly see examples of the fourth system, dictatorships like those that exist or have been found in Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela today, and countless other examples!
So you decide!  Is our country and many of our leaders today governed by our Christian God, His Ten Commandments, and the GREAT COMMANDMENT, "...love neighbor as yourself", or is it not true that many today, in power, in the press, in our college institutions, want policy based on the current feelings of todays people? Does that not explain how states today can pass laws allowing abortion right up to the moment of birth, and in certain cases, hasten the death of survivors of that ugly process? Not "politically correct" today, but does that not explain why we are expected to tolerate gay marriage, euthanasia, divorce, and hatred of our political opponents, etc. as acceptable in modern society, despite their clear condemnation in the Bible, and the teachings of traditional Christian churches?  What about the clamor today wanting to abandon the electoral college,  and elections of public officials by popular vote?  Crazy!  But space delays the reasons why until next week! (Hey! contrary opinions welcome!)
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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