Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

From Senator Carl Crabtree
Idahoans Will Determine What is Best for Our State
By: Senator Carl Crabtree, District 7
A new law passed this legislative session may allow Idahoans to have a larger voice in Federal Land Management. This law, deemed the, “Federalism Bill,” appoints a group of legislators to help chart a better path for cooperative efforts between the federal government and its citizens. I have been asked to serve as a part of that group.
Our state and federal government is built on a system of checks and balances, but Idaho’s relationship with the federal government is unbalanced, and there are only a few ways for us to keep the federal government in check. That ends now with our new Committee on Federalism. I, along with the other Committee members, will be dedicated to advising and solving federal issues here in our state. 
The Committee will be part watchdog, and it will foster improved cooperation between our Idaho and federal leaders. That should help everyone by making families safer, creating jobs and improving the health of our forests and rivers. Eighty percent of District 7 is owned by the federal government, but that land is mixed in with state and private property, so any decisions made by bureaucrats in Washington D.C. affect us here, 2,500 miles away. It is time we have a bigger say in the future of Idaho.
I will join with four other members of Idaho’s Senate and five members from Idaho’s House to review any and all federal acts, laws and regulations that may impact our jurisdiction, governance and sovereignty. This group will address a wide range of issues, including health care, education, transportation, federal lands and agriculture. The federal government has its fingers in a lot of Idaho pies, and its decisions affect your life, work and play every day. We will determine if those decisions adhere to the principals set forth in the U.S. Constitution. We will work in cooperation with the Governor and report regularly to the full Legislature. A sunset clause is in place with the intent for us to wrap up in two years or allow us to continue based on outcome-driven results. 
At the very birth of our great Country, federalism was a compromise between the states and the U.S. government. It is still a compromise, and a balancing act: our great nation’s way of preserving its independence, while allowing states like Idaho to avoid federal overreach and outright totalitarianism. This Committee will continue the vision of our forefathers with a new focus on cooperation. Because, let’s face it, we know what is best for Idaho.

Redneck Review!
No. 211 - 5/13/2019
Time for a topic windup!  Essentially, the claim: SOCIALISM does not work, never worked in the past, can be proved easily that it cannot work, is proving itself again today.  It is a bankrupt system, witness Venezuela! Yet today it is making a come back here in our country,  promoted by the liberal press and a scary number of education instructors  today!
The topic has been treated repeatedly in past RNR's,  from RNR #10 to #17 in June and July, 2015, and in reviews #27 to 30,  Oct. and Nov. of the same year.  In #s 72 to 75, Sept. and Oct , 2016, and finally in articles scattered  over weeks from July, 2017 to Feb., 2018. >From July, 2017 to Feb, 2018 lengthy looks were taken at Davy Crockett's NOT YOURS TO GIVE experience in the legislature, where he learned the hard way that government gifts of money to certain individuals violated  the trust given government to spend hard earned tax dollars. Definitely not charity, as a Reverse Robin Hood affect often followed!  Also the testimony of Alexander Tyler's claim that history proves democracies that give away tax dollars last only on the average of 250  years before bankruptcy causes their collapse. And treated also was Frederik Bastiat's careful argument in his book THE LAW, that gifts of government to selected individuals amounted to legal theft, he called  LEGAL PLUNDER, because it simply represented forced TAKING from those who earned it, then GIVEN to those who did not, so was really just THEFT,  but LEGAL because of government law!
Also examined in reviews 109 and 110, the history of Greece and Rome, and the collapse of each because of their slow descent into government give a ways, inflation, and the gradual but serious decline of their social and moral behavior.  All students of legitimate history know of the "Bread and Circuses" Roman programs associated with their final fall, and the high inflation and moral collapse of Athens and Sparta.  History tells the tale if only people will learn!
And what about the "Common Storehouse" experiments that failed in our early country, at Jamestown and Plymouth Colonies?  Richter Watkins in his recent book called AMERICA ON SUICIDE WATCH,  examines in detail the efforts of William Bradford in Plymouth and Captain John Smith in Jamestown,  to set up communities of religious people to share the efforts of "those who were able and produced" with those who did not, "but shared," both communities
starving until each changed to an ownership system with profits allowed to the producers!  Does it not remind a person of the common SOCIALIST ideas traced back in history to Karl Marx's   "From each according to his ability, and to each according to need?" Is that not obviously recognized in the efforts of many liberal politicians today, who demand equality in income and living standards?  Are we doomed to repeat the fate of those failed experiments?
Long time readers of these reviews or simply other students of the past and the present know that Venezuela is a modern example of another tragic attempt to establish the failed system of SOCIALISM, which by the way is always associated with SECULARISM,  removing God from the scene. This horror story told on the new today nightly, and covered several times in the past here was summarized recently by an email reader who sent me the following!  1992- Venezuela became the 3rd richest country in the Western Hemisphere.  2001 - Venezuela voted for a Socialist president to address "income inequality."  2004 - Private healthcare is completely socialized.  2007 - All higher education becomes "free."  2009 - A Socialist ban there on the private ownership of guns.  2012 - Bernie Sanders said "Venezuelans are living the American Dream better than Americans."  2012 - Opposition leaders imprisoned.  2016 - Food shortage becomes widespread.  2017 - Constitution and elections suspended.  2019 - Venezuelans are massacred by their own government!   (Is there not a valuable lesson here to be learned?)
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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