100 Mile Challenge
By Ellea Uhlenkott
For my senior project I am putting on “100 miles in 100 days”. 
My goal is to raise 3,000 dollars to donate to the Prairie track and field. This will begin on May 25th and end on September 2nd, 2019. The Idea is to do a mile a day for 100 days. On September 2nd there will be a gathering at the track to celebrate the completion of 100 miles. On the last day, there will be randomly drawn prizes consisting of the people who enter this fundraiser. Age 12 and under are a donation, ages 12-18 cost $50 dollars and 18 and older is 100 dollars. My goal is to raise $3000 dollars for additional equipment and fencing. If you would like to participate please feel free to contact me at elleauhlenkott@gmail.com or at 208-507-0709.
Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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