Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!
No. 213 - 5/27/2019
Space!  Wow!  A huge topic!  Anyone who has done any research knows the topic is beyond belief!  Black holes, speed of light, distant universes, the theory of relativity!  All boggle the imagination!  Indeed, the topic itself is beyond comprehension!
But there is another side of space!  The limited side which everyone experiences at one time or another! Too little space for a funeral of a well-known person, too little for a growing family, too little for a  sport's championship, or a national celebrity!  "Too little space" happens to all!
Despite the advice of some readers that these articles are "too long," the fact is that a "one page"  limitation agreed to originally, often results in claims made without verification! That happened recently in discussing  a growing enthusiasm for socialism in our country!
For example, review #209 claimed that our founding fathers warned repeatedly of the dangers of "Democracy."  In #210, it was claimed that all governments past or present can be classified in one of  four ways: Either "Dictatorial", or "Divine Right,"  or "Republic" or  "Democracy." A Republic was illustrated: God-->people-->government, while Democracy was illustrated:  People-->government.
Every one knows DEMOCRACY is the  rage today, with efforts make by ourselves and other countries to convert more primitive societies to this form. The claim is made that America is a great example of what happens when a country is set up along the lines of a DEMOCRACY!
The problem is as discussed at length in past reviews that our country WAS NOT SET UP AS A DEMOCRACY.  The quotations in #209 adequately proves that point!  Rather, those founders who set the stage for our amazing and unique experience in freedom and prosperity worked hard to create a REPUBLIC!  The difference?  GOD as the primary source for law and order, and not PEOPLE given the ultimate authority to determine law and right and wrong!  But today
we hear all the time that the reason for our enviable success as a nation was and is that we are a DEMOCRACY!  Baloney!  Having  GOD as the ultimate source of what is right or wrong, and not the PEOPLE, makes all the difference in the world, and we are in serious trouble because we do not know or recognize this profound difference!
Dictionaries today contribute to the confusion!  Typically, any modern dictionary gives you the following definitions or ones very similar!  Democracy - "A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives." Republic - "A state in which supreme power is held by the people and elected representatives, and which has an elected president..."  Now you tell me!  Is there any significant difference between these two definitions?  Hey!  A challenge here!  Find any dictionary definition that recognizes GOD as the ultimate authority in a REPUBLIC, a solid conviction of our founding fathers, and that definition and that dictionary will be recognized here! The difference is critical!
The "limited space" comment above forced an unexplained "linked together at the hip" claim about secularism, socialism, and democracy!  SOCIALISM definitely puts the power to rule in the hands of "People."  Whether that source is the people themselves, or their elected officials, it matters not!  It still fits our illustration of DEMOCRACY: People --> government! And since no reference is made to a God, it definitely should be labeled SECULAR.  So "joined at the hip" is accurate, and the claim that the three occur together is valid!   (Out of space once again!)
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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