Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

To the Editor,
Since 1975 Jan and I have gladly purchased items from Hoene Hardware.
It’s sad to see their business closing after 111 years.
A business is like a family member, you don’t realize how much it meant to you until you don’t have it anymore.
Thank you for your service to our community and the surrounding area.
Big box stores and the internet may have everything we need, but they don’t give back to our communities like home town businesses do.
Jerry and Janet Richardson

Redneck Review!
No. 214 - 6/3/2019
The last couple of weeks, it was SPACE that controlled the opening paragraph!  BIG SPACE, the universe, multiple galaxies, speed of light... you name it, a topic so huge and so profound it boggles the imagination!  But it is SMALL SPACE, the limiting and well known reason that topics discussed here sometimes tend to end very abruptly! So following is a suggested summary of those topics discussed at length recently!
The governing body of any nation, in past history or at present, will fall into one of three following classifications: Rule by an outside source like a god, like the Christian God so dominant in our early history, or any one of the several other historical sources of an outside ruling authority, the Yahweh of the old Testament, Shangdi in ancient China, or Brahma in India, the Great Spirit among American Indians,  and countless other deities revered by the people who put their faith in them. These various "gods" only belong in this first category IF they were the source of a moral code like the Ten Commandments traced back to the Biblical God, or any other historical belief system which involved rules and laws which governed human conduct and which were accepted as such by the people. Note here that the "gods" of Rome and Greece, like Jupiter and Zeus do not meet this criteria!  Our diagrams of such government  types has been:  God-->Government-->People like that in so-called "Divine Right" governments in early England or ancient China, or by:  God-->People-->Government like the rare Republic type set up in early America.  Or even the type God-->People like historians often classify the Hebrew nation before their rule by kings.
The second classification involves those nations which deny or put no trust in a source outside of the human community.  ATHEISM or SECULARISM  are examples here. Such systems include DICTATORSHIPS by single individuals who determine right and wrong and what is acceptable or not.  History is filled with examples of these types, and the results of their brief spots in history, and the tragedy associated with their brief reigns.  This second group would include those examples in history of rule by a small group of individuals, called "oligarchy" by historians,  but only if this small group ruled totally and answered to no higher authority or supreme being! Our diagram of this type is:  Government-->People.
The final classification as illustrated by our diagram is:   People-->Government. Again the significant thing about this type is that it answers to no outside source, like a god, or the traditional Christian God of the Old and New Testament.  The political terminology for this kind of government is DEMOCRACY. Now we hasten to note here that not all backers of the democracy rage today deny the existence of an outside law giver like our Christian God.  But, if they do not, then they fall under the diagram:  God-->People-->Government! The acid test is, do modern day backers of DEMOCRACY admit the necessity of a rule of law from a God above, or do they place their confidence in a simple majority of people to decide what is and what is not allowed today?  The claim here is that a significant number of modern day DEMOCRATS,  and include a number of REPUBLICANS who genuinely are no longer concerned about a God Law, and for whom ; TEN COMMANDMENTS and the restrictions placed on us by our CONSTITUTION are no longer relevant in our  modern world! These individuals, no matter what they call themselves, are supporters of abortion,
accept as okay the Biblical condemned practice of homosexuality, want to eliminate  the Electoral College and replace it with a national popular vote, want equal quality of life for all, including unlimited and unrestricted immigration by all, "free" education, and "free" medical care, all paid for by heavy taxes on producers, and who tolerate the use of violence and hatred to silence any and all who disagree!  Dangerous!  The result: National suicide! 
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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