Cottonwood City Council meets
The Cottonwood City Council held their June meeting Monday, June 10.
Dominating much of the meeting time was discussion with Carla Sissons about her request to hook into the city water line along East Street.
The sticking point was that she owns 2 houses but wanted just 1 water hookup. She lives in one house and uses the other as an Airbnb and crafting studio. She was looking to get 1 service and T it off to both houses. The city told her they wouldn’t allow that inside the city and didn’t feel they should to an out of city dweller. They asked her what happens if she eventually sells and it’s made into two family dwellings. She asked what if she had it made into 1 property. She was told there are still 2 dwelling units. No action was taken as she will look into some options.
Serena Lockett and Audrey Johnson were present to give the Council a sketch of how the Main St. beergarden would be laid out in front of Doreen’s during the Cottonwood Summerfest. They said they had also contacted the Idaho Transportation Dept. about blocking off part of Main St. for the celebration.
In the reports Pat Holthaus reported they pumped 3.2 million gallons and sold about 2.7 million for a nearly 16 percent loss. They had one positive water test but after treatment, subsequent tests came back clean.
Roy Uhlenkott reported the utility work is going well on School Street.
Don Munkers said he hasn’t heard anything yet from the Idaho DEQ regarding their discharge permit.
Jack Duman reported they started crack sealing Monday on the Highway 95 Business Loop. It will be chipsealed in mid-July.
There will be mag chloride application coming up soon on the city’s gravel streets.
Munkers asked if it is possible to get the 35 mph sign moved north a bit on King St. Duman said he would talk with ITD about that.
The variance request for the Sisters Apartments was approved. The setback on Church St. was reduced from 20 feet to 8 feet to allow for the entryway. The setback on Lewiston St. was reduced from 20 feet to 13 feet to allow for the carport.
The Fiscal Year 2018 audit was approved.
A catering permit through Keuterville Pub & Grub for the VFW beergarden during the Idaho County Fair was also approved.
The meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, July 8 at 7 p.m.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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