Whatsoever Things Are True
by Dan Coburn
Pastor, Emmanuel Baptist Church
Last time we got together, we settled for ourselves the question - "What do I do with the Law?".  
This week, we will establish the "how" in as much as the meat of the Word is always Application.  
We are in Romans 7 where some of the most disagreed upon verses in all of Scripture abide.  Paul here laments the battle raging within him; his desire to please God in all that he does, contrasted with the reality that he regularly fails. Sound familiar?  Many use Paul's struggle as an excuse to continue in sin. This is not what he is espousing. Many rationalize: "If the Apostle Paul couldn't do it, party on".  Some believe Paul is talking about his unsaved life or - Pre- Acts 9 if you will. After reading chapter 6, I think not. Others believe he is talking about a Carnal Christian. One who wants a Savior alright, but not a Lord. Literally speaking you can't have one absent the other, but for you legalists out there, you better not judge these too hastily, as God doesn't "ripen" His fruit immediately; it takes time and we need to extend a little grace to new Christians.  Then there are those who believe the "I" in this text is a True Christian struggling with sin; some of whom are Spurgeon and Wiersbe.  Nugget:  The Christian life is more than warfare, but it is warfare.  It is critical that you get this. Most of the battle takes place not against demonic entities, but internal sin. Satan is certainly behind it though, as he desires you to be battle weary and give up. Not that you lose your salvation (1st Cor. 3:15), but so you will live a defeated life, not able to witness, encourage or comfort as you are intended to do. If you are a brother/sister in Christ, Satan has lost you, but he is very concerned with those whose eternal destiny you may influence for Christ. 
Nugget:   Between what the law demands and the flesh can produce, is an insurmountable gulf.  "So what's the answer preacher?"   I'll give you a hint.  Chapter 7 is the struggle, Chapter 8 is the solution - In the which, the Holy Spirit is spoken of 21 times in ch. 8, and not mentioned in ch. 7.  Hmmm?   Victory isn't in a program or denomination, it is in a Person.  
Come join us this Sunday, and learn the How.  It'll change your life. God Bless.  

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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