Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!
No. 220 - 7/15/2019
Wow!  What to do with all that free time?  That was my question in 2012 when it was decided that my teaching career was over!  The answer came quickly, as I immediately began reading extensively books that had been accumulated over the years!
So my "free time" worry quickly disappeared!  On an Amazon Kindle, my "books read" list is over 140,  plus around 125 on a Barnes and Noble "Nook."  Add to that, our home book shelves have another 100 or so new books. On the writing side, a 52 page booklet printed by the Cottonwood Chronicle has dozens of articles written in the mid-1980's under the title LET FREEDOM RING, and another four similar booklets are available either there or from myself, containing the first 200 of the current RED NECK REVIEW's  printed weekly there.
Then, spurred on by my family and cousin Bill Wren, a book called A CAMAS PRAIRIE LIFE was thrown together, published currently by Amazon.  That effort pinpointed the many places where my family lived as my  father dabbled in mining during WWII, and my mother moved from town to town as a teacher. The book also includes experiences and adventures which occurred in my classroom during the 53 years it was my privilege to teach students from old St. Gertrude's Academy,  Prairie High, and Summit Academy.
More recently a second book on Amazon entitled CAMAS PRAIRIE - Prose, Poetry, and Prayer also can be found with the "LIFE" book, using search words - CAMAS PRAIRIE.
But, back to the reading thing!  The LFR and RNR articles mentioned above are filled with the information one can find in the nearly 300 books I have had time to read in the past several years, coupled also with news items and comments which come from daily news reports. My time spent there could be considered a "funnel", in which it is hoped that the more valuable material has been sorted out and passed on, and the best and most informative books from the huge pile accumulated have been selected and identified. This week and in following weeks, a list will be included of those books with a small comment. We start here!
1)The first book recommended is the BIG Q, Little q   book discussed at length in Review 219.
2)REMEMBER THE LIBERTY by Phillip Nelson, with input by survivor, Mr. Gallo and others. This documents the unbelievable cover up by our administration, of this 1967 incident in the Mediterranean, in which our government deliberately attempted to sink completely our ship and cause the death of all crew members of OUR OWN SHIP by an ally! The purpose? To blame it on  Nasser's Egypt.  Miraculously, it did not sink, and the true story is only surfacing now!
3)DARK WINTER by John Casey. Also UPHEAVAL by the same author!  Well documented and world wide supported claim that we are facing a down turn in weather temperatures, with a low reached around 2035, caused by reduced sun activity with increased earthquakes!
4)THE MORAL CASE FOR FOSSIL FUELS by Alex Epstein.  This book cites convincing evidence that the carbon dioxide emissions condemned by "Climate changers"  are at least as beneficial to plant growth as they are destructive, and that the supply of power produced in our economy by them CAN NOT in any way be replaced with wind, solar, and water power. 
5)A STUDY IN AMERICAN FREEMASONRY by Arthur Preuss.  Well documented book about the ultimate goal of top masons to destroy Christianity and our American republic.
(All books available on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.  And more reviews to come next week.)
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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