From the Church on the Hill
by D. Eric Williams
Pastor, Cottonwood Community Church
Once again Hannah reminds us that human vanity is pure foolishness. Hannah affirms that mere humans control nothing. All things are under the domain of God. In addition, to disrespect Yahweh's servants is to scoff at God himself. It is to suggest that God is unable to order the lives of his people. Therefore, humility before Yahweh and honor of his broken servants is the only acceptable posture.
According to Hannah, the heart of the arrogant is revealed in their speech and actions. Because of this, it is important for each person to examine their own words and judge accordingly. To speak arrogantly reveals a heart that is exalted above God. It is to suggest the individual person has more power than Yahweh himself. This arrogance is the opposite of submission and it is often revealed in an attack upon God's people.
The final clause of 1 Samuel 2:3 is often misunderstood as a declaration that God knows what each person is thinking and will judge them accordingly. While this is true, it is not what Hannah has in mind in this portion of her song. Instead, she says nothing is hidden from God's sight, past present or future and therefore God's perfect will is carefully considered in eternity. In human terms we would say that Yahweh has carefully thought through all things and therefore all that takes place are a reflection of his sovereign will. In other words everything that happened in Hannah's story took place as part of God's sovereign design. Hannah was barren by God's design. She was ridiculed and shamed by God's design. She was brought to the point of despair by God's design and she vowed to give her firstborn child to God, by Yahweh's design. The baby was born and dedicated to the Lord to live in Shiloh by God's design. Everything in the story took place so that God would be glorified and his perfect will accomplished. God's glory was brought into sharp focus and enhanced through Hannah's shame, vindication and victory over her enemies.
Very few Christians live as if God is sovereign. He is, but most 21st-century followers of Christ do not acknowledge that truth in their life. Therefore, the first thing we can learn from Hannah's prayer is the need to acknowledge the sovereignty of God and to live accordingly. To live in recognition of the sovereignty of God means we do not complain about our circumstances. That does not mean we do nothing about our situation; it means we rejoice in the Lord even while we pray and work to better our lot.
Modern believers also need to affirm that God is the unique one true God. Again, every professing Christian gives lip service to this truth but often believes and lives something much different. There are a shocking number of self professing Christians who say that Jesus Christ is not the only way to salvation. This is a denial of the uniqueness and sovereignty of God. It is a denial of his uniqueness by saying he is just one among many options. It is a denial of his sovereignty by saying he is not the only agent of salvation and therefore does not actually control access to the rewards of eternity.
A key aspect of a belief in the sovereignty of God is the understanding that his eternal decrees are well thought out. His eternal plan is not a slap-dash affair. Moreover, Bible believing Christians should consider ludicrous the suggestion that God does not know or control the future. To think of God as desperately trying to keep everything together as he juggles the innumerable events of this life is blasphemous. God is never taken by surprise. God never resorts to Plan B (there is no Plan B). God never simply allows an event; everything happens according to his perfect will. Now, the discussion of how humanity's free will fits into this picture is for another time; it will suffice to say that even (true) human free will is part of the eternal plan and purpose of God and is ultimately under his control.
The opening lines of Hannah's prayer of thanksgiving and praise deal with basic Bible doctrines. Nevertheless, Hannah has much to teach to 21st century followers of Christ. We must affirm the sovereignty and uniqueness of God in our Lord Jesus Christ and the righteousness of his eternal decree. The failure of the modern church to avow these truths weakens her witness and service to the world. Instead of the Body of Christ, she becomes just another fraternal order or social action organization.

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