Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Our State Needs to Solve Rural Idaho’s Broadband Problem NOW

By: State Senator Carl Crabtree
Insufficient broadband in rural Idaho is putting our students, businesses, and communities at a significant disadvantage. I am working hard to get more of this essential to the people living outside the major metro areas. Our government needs to work with businesses to take sound economic action now for the sake of Idaho’s small towns.
I am a part of the new Idaho Broadband Task Force. The Task Force includes legislators, internet providers, universities, tribes, and others. We’re working on improving connectivity and internet infrastructure across the state, but it’s especially important that we improve rural Idaho’s connectivity. We will provide a final report to the governor in November proposing action for the next legislative session in 2020, if that’s what is required.
We are living in the information age. Broadband is as critical to a community now, as the railroad was in the late 1800’s, or rural electrification in the mid-1900’s. If communities don’t have reliable and fast internet access, they are cut off from the rest of the state and the rest of the world. Without this resource, people will have little choice but to move to bigger cities where they can get connected, leaving our rural communities to shrink and become even more isolated. 
For those who live in cities, you may not know that rural students, ranchers, timber operators, and farmers are constantly battling slow internet service and coverage gaps. For instance, one of the schools in my district got free Chromebooks. Everyone was excited, until they realized their Internet access was so slow, they couldn’t use them all at once and now have to take turns. That’s just one example of people around here getting saddled with a competitive disadvantage because of where they live. Businesses often can’t communicate with consumers, students can’t do their homework, and rural safety is compromised. How long until they all get fed up and move out? We’re already seeing young people avoiding our communities because of the digital isolation. We’re missing out on economic opportunities, and our population is aging.
We need immediate action, but the government will not and should not fix this on its own. Through business incentives and partnerships, we can save your tax dollars while greatly improving Idaho’s rural broadband infrastructure. While this task is critical, the last thing we need to do is be irresponsible with your money.
Broadband internet access is critical to education, commerce, and a high quality of life. But, in rural Idaho, our connective infrastructure is lagging behind and it’s putting businesses and students at a tremendous disadvantage. Broadband is not the future, it’s the present, and rural Idaho is stuck in the past whether we like it or not! We need to improve our connectivity now, and put all of Idaho on a level playing field. If we don’t, our small towns might not have much of a future.

Dear Editor:
If you would be so kind, I would like it to become far more widely known that there has been building here within the inland northwest another situation that could yet prove as volatile and dangerous as were those of Bunkerville, Nevada and Burns, Oregon a few short years ago.  At issue here and now, is the rightful, lawful ownership of the Nick and Donna Nickerson Christian Retreat Ranch acreage, located in the vicinity of Orofino, Idaho.  Owing to a long progression of capricious, "legal" actions on the part of JPMorgan Chase Bank and PHH Mortgage Services (as sanctioned by a Clearwater County Court judge and its prosecuting attorney), this property and the lives of this family have continued under siege.  What needs to be seriously weighed and understood by all, is the REAL WHY of the matter, seeing as neither any sort of tax protest nor mortgage default has ever been involved.
Spanning already a decade of time, it's indeed a long and arduous story, the details of which anyone can learn by visiting www.ithappenedtous.com.
Suffice it to say here that in August of 2017, this ranch was sold at public auction, and for just over a third of its assessed value.  In my opinion, here is what should most gravely concern every freedom-loving American:  Constitutionally-mandated due process was never followed in this case, most notably in that, thanks to complicity of action between the banking establishment and local court authority, the Nickersons' 7th Amendment-guaranteed right of Trial by Jury has been resolutely denied them.  The good Sheriff involved, "accidentally forgetting" (we might say) his unique, supreme power and duty as chief protector and law enforcer over all official matters within his county, mistakenly believed that he had to follow the judge's order, and thus conduct the sale.  Clearly, he did not, however, and so every action that has gone down, subsequent to the denial of constitutional due process, must now be declared null and void, and reversed.  We the People must see to it, lest anyone of us be next!
As merely one concerned citizen, I am appealing to all like-minded friends and neighbors to come stand together both for the personal protection of this besieged family, as well as to support and encourage the duly-elected Sheriff, that he might be courageous enough to correct the errors made in this case, and properly move it forward by means of his lawful directives.  Lastly, I appeal very specially to the three elected Clearwater County Commissioners, asking that they personally stand forth and take their places as leading exemplars in this critical matter and time.
Thank you, and blessings to all!
Carol J. Asher

Redneck Review!
No. 224 - 8/11/2019
Today's review involves a  claim  "There is no middle ground!" politically, economically, or morally concerning much of the news thrown at us on TV and from the press today.
Granted  that human nature tends to push individuals to the middle ground, away from the opposing antagonists fighting it out over one cause or another.  I have found myself in that position before, not wanting  to get involved and off the sidelines! Today's news does give an individual no option however. The choice is clear, and there really is no middle ground!
Clearly the battle ground today, and tomorrow is over who will control the presidency during the next term, as well as the House, the Senate, and indirectly the Supreme Court and our court system. The battle is between those who consider themselves  LIBERAL, and those who claim to be CONSERVATIVE, associated with the terms, on the LEFT or the  RIGHT!
Where does the difference between the two sides show up?  The LEFT  caters to those who believe that times change, and that laws and policies should adjust to new challenges and situations.  The term "relativism" is used here based on certain basic beliefs:  "That views are to be evaluated relative to the society in which they appear, and are not to be judged true or false based on absolute standards...Man is considered the measure of all things."  When applied to law, "relativism" is called "legal positivism," and according to constitutional law professor John Eidsmoe, it has the following characteristics: "1) There are no objective, God-given standards of law, at least that are relative to the modern legal system. 2)The author of law then is not God, but man with the highest human authority being the state which makes the law and backs it up. 3)Since man and society evolve, the law must evolve as well.  4)Judges guide this evolution by decisions based on society at the time." (Taken from the book, Original Intent, by David Barton.)
Politically, this LIBERAL side supports pure DEMOCRACY, illustrated by:  People-->Gov, with the majority of the people deciding what laws should be passed and enforced.  The state or national government is the enforcing vehicle, and the courts make the evolving decisions. SECULARISM is the morality involved, denying any real influence of a governing god, and SOCIALISM is the economics of choice since the state becomes the vehicle entrusted with creating equality of living conditions for all of the people. 
In complete opposition is the CONSERVATIVE side which holds that certain ABSOLUTES associated with a creator and loving GOD are unchanging and should govern the behavior of all people, at all times and in all situations.  The traditional TEN COMMANDMENTS and the GREATEST COMMANDMENT, traced back to the God man, Christ Himself, "You shall love God with your whole heart and soul, and your neighbor as yourself"  dictates a concern for all fellow human beings, and responsible use of private property to provide for oneself and one's family, and those fellow citizens who are unable to care for themselves. FREE ENTERPRISE or CAPITALISM is the economic system consistent with this belief, while politically, the term REPUBLIC represented by:  God-->People-->Gov best illustrates where the source of good law originates and who really should be in charge!  So each of us must decide! 
Who supports abortion, and which side supports life?  Which group preaches LOVE, and treasures individual differences, and which side stresses HATE of all who dare to disagree! Which results in freedom and prosperity, and which results in starvation and regimentation?
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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