Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!
No. 226 – 8/25/2019
These articles have been hammering away on much the same topics for probably far too long, so with the daily news throwing one disaster after another at us, it could well be time for a change!  BUT... before we tackle any of those recent news articles, like "Melting icebergs forecast future disaster", or "New reductions in interest rates totally unheard of during periods of prosperity like we are now witnessing" - the still rising stock market, the lowest unemployment in history, etc.,   the urge to continue one more time on the topics discussed recently compels  the making of the following several statements which are thrown your way, inviting agreement or disagreement as the case might be!
Common Sense - It is bluntly asserted here that absence of this old fashioned quality lies at the very root of many of the problems which threaten to overwhelm us today!  Below find several comments by people of the past concerning this valuable talent: 
Voltaire - "Common sense is not so common.":  Samuel Coleridge - "Common sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom.":  Thomas Edison - "The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are; hard work, stick-to-itiveness, and common sense."   Ludwig von Mises - "Many who are self taught far excel the doctors, masters, and bachelors of the most renowned universities.":  Harriet Beecher Stowe - "Common sense is seeing things as they are; and doing things as they ought to be."  Following now are some claims made here that make COMMON SENSE, and are logically defensible! 
1)Faith in GOD with the related religion of CHRISTIANITY makes far more common sense than any of the substitutes found popular in our country  today: LOVE..."God and neighbor as oneself" a guiding principle as well as the Ten Commandments. Thus all individuals are to be treated as brothers and accepted accordingly.  Atheism - No external source of law and morality allows everyone to "Do it there way" which means no absolute right or wrong and thus constant disagreement at the local level, and wars and destruction at the national level. An example is Communism which tolerates no exceptions to the ruling party, and which promotes HATE as the driving force behind its goal of a classless society. Secularism -  Like atheism - Belief that a God exists (maybe), but one with no impact on the behavior of the individual. Islam - Belief in a very selective god that demands certain beliefs which tolerate no difference of opinion, and advocates death or severe penalties for those who disagree.
2)Our United States began as a CHRISTIAN nation, which means at the national level, all of the different Christian sects at the time were not only tolerated, but PROMOTED. Admitted here is that different states fostered different Christian churches,  but not so the national level.  The first Amendment states clearly:  "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."  And overwhelming evidence exists that it was some kind of CHRISTIANITY that was expected and PROMOTED, but that a requirement that any specific form be adopted was denied!
3)The unparalleled record of freedom and prosperity that is recognized around the world, unique to our United States, comes from its foundation on Christianity. In economics, Free Enterprise was the logical driving force, with its beliefs in the right to own property, freedom to select the occupation of choice, and profit as a motive to produce. In politics, those Christian founders demanded that the people be in control of government, with the flow of power, easily proved by research, can best be seen with the diagram:  God-->People-->States-->National government.  A study of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights proves conclusively these claims!  But the news the past several years proves we have strayed far from these founding principles!
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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