Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!
No. 227 - 9/2/2019
Looking back one week, comments were made about the old phrase, "Common Sense!" Quotations from  the past were cited in an attempt to call attention to this important reality missing in many of the decisions made today with huge impacts on our modern lives.
Claims were made then that the unparalleled progress our country has made since its start can be traced to our founder's faith in God and economic and political systems that were established at the time. Systems stressing the Christian command to  "Love God and Neighbor" that required individual use of God given talents to care for oneself and family and neighbors in need.  Governments were set up designed to protect the individual from local violations of rights, and from invasion from hostile forces abroad.  Christianity of a generic type was promoted, and a guarantee in the 1st Amendment said:  "Congress shall make no law establishing a religion, nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof." From the very beginning it was designed to make government the servant of the people, and a protector of a Biblical and Christian code of conduct coming from a Creator God responsible for all life and the tremendous resources of the planet earth that was provided for all.
A careful study of the amazing progress made by this country and a good dose of Common Sense will convince any objective student of the claims above, and the cause of the envy other nations have towards our country, past and present. A statement made years ago by G. K. Chesterton sums it up clearly:  "The first effect of not believing in God, is that you lose your common sense. That means that in order for us to recover our common sense, we have to recover our faith... so we need religious renewal and reform." (COMMON SENSE -101)
Another topic threatening to destroy us could use  a dose of Common Sense!  One look at our out-of-control federal spending and our current attitude towards money should raise all kinds of loud warning signals.  To support this claim, study the following:  The history of money suggests that every nation has gone through the following  stages:  Barter-->Primitive Money -->Sophisticated Money-->Certificate Substitution-->Reduced Reserves-->No Reserve-->
FIAT MONEY! Time and space do not allow a lengthy look at history,  but it is critical to realize that a solid case can be made that once a nation's money reaches the stage, FIAT MONEY, its only an average of 50 years or so before national bankruptcy and collapse occurs.
So quickly, what does each stage of this so-called "Barter Chain" look like?  Think back to the early history in Rome, or our  U.S.A.  Rome used horses for exchange early in its history, the word for horse was "equus." This word can be seen in our modern word, "equity," which implies "value." In our country, tobacco on the east coast, and animal furs in the west were used as "Primitive Money." Of course, this came only after a direct exchange of one good for another, a process called Barter. But invariably in history, the primitive forms of money gave way to gold or silver, two metals accepted all through history and today as means of exchange because of their intrinsic value.  But shortly came 100% backed certificates because of convenience in transportation and the need to carry large sums in inconspicuous ways. Hey! Study the history of developing nations, and you will find shortly thereafter the issuance of certificates based on Reduced Reserves, that is the issuing bank ceased holding a dollar in gold or silver for each dollar of paper issued, and found that soon only a small reserve of the metal needed to be kept on hand to redeem the paper certificates.  Only a matter of time then elapses, and said country moved on to No Reserves, thus finally, FIAT MONEY, money with no value at all, just paper!
(Next week, dates and changes which occurred in our own system of money up to today!)
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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