Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

To the Editor
An Antidote to the Mental Curse of Idleness
Vast ‘gratuitous’ programs since 1930’s has planted in the hearts of millions a love of idleness and love of entitlement, the mental curse of idleness.  This mental curse seems to affects the administrators and personnel as well as the ‘recipients’.  Historically, no civilization has been able to fund a portion of her population to continual idleness and sustain freedom for all.  This isn’t a harsh judgement but an observation.  Unless I am missing something, the antidote, however, is simple for those ‘recipients’ sick and tired of the mental, unproductive curses of idleness.  This antidote is a builder of self-worth.  It’s a builder of mental, physical and emotional health.  It is this, work: labor with a purpose.  Work is a great healer: when sad, work; when discouraged, work; when hopeful, work; when in despair; work.  Work is the medium of true wealth: mental, physical, and emotional.  On the job, don’t be stingy with self or employers.  But let one’s innate faculties and reason think how to improve the job, increase one’s performance, and productivity. Finally, it seems to me people who work live longer and are happier than those enslaved to the mental curse of idleness. 
Scott Perrin

Redneck Review!
No. 242 - 12/16/2019
A "Miracle a Minute!"  That title has been bouncing around in my mind now for nearly a month, as wife Marianne nears the time when she will be returning home after a long battle with a blood infection, causing pain in every joint. We hope to be at home early this week!
First, thinking it was just an arthritic hip problem, we learned that it was more likely an infection given the name sepsis, which can prove deadly if not caught in time. We are very grateful for the care of the doctors and staff at St. Mary's hospital, Cottonwood, especially Doc Sigler, our family doctor for several years! And we commend the staff and doctors at Kootenai Medical in Coeur d'Alene who treated the problem and got us back in our home town area.
Incidentally, the problem first showed up Nov 19 at Prairie girl's first home game against Kamiah! So she has been battling the problem now for around 25 days!
What do the comments above have to do with the "Miracle a Minute" title mentioned above?  Well, as mentioned at the end of last week's review, several thoughts began to bug me during the treatment sessions.  First, as one blessed with excellent health over 82+ years, and with similar good health by my wife over roughly the same period, it is a bit shocking to suddenly find oneself dealing with a serious problem like this.  As mentioned last week, a sudden realization hit me that life itself IS A MIRACLE!  And fragile when you  are forced to stop and think about it! Healthy, carefree lives can change in a minute.  And really, except for the will of the good Lord and modern medicine,  there is not a lot a person can do about it!  Death can come slowly as it does for some fighting sickness, or quickly and unexpectedly as it does to the young and the middle aged.  While Marianne was in the hospital, we learned of a tragic accident that involved a former student of mine, in his 50's I believe, whose future might be permanently changed by an unusual and tragic event..  And a grandson of mine reported that a friend of his in his 20's suddenly died in an accident. Then my old friend, Chuck Mader, passed away just recently, further reducing the number of friends and acquaintances from our distant past.
The point is, that life is fragile, and indeed is a MIRACLE while it lasts.  And the end can come suddenly and unexpectedly. And when it does, it forces an individual to ask what lies beyond the grave!  Personally, my lifetime formed conviction is that there is immortal life after death, and common sense confirms it, because of the life and death some 2000 years ago of the God man Christ, whose documented life, death, and resurrection afterwards provides us with the over whelming proof that death does not end it all!
So, let all of us develop a new respect for life in the womb, and life of the aged, and the eternal life which waits for us after the end comes to each of us, suddenly some times, but inevitably!
But, hold on!  If one stops and thinks about it!  MIRACLES are around us every moment!  The water we drink, the fuel we burn and use, the rain that comes when needed, the germination of a tiny seed that brings next year's harvest crop, the regulated sun that warms us in the summer, the cool refreshing fall which leads us gently into a whitened Christmas. Hey!  These things I have taken for granted! They are predictable! As is the rising of the sun, the flight of birds south, the mystery of electricity providing us cell phone communication miles away, the power of the atom, beneficial or destructive, TV,  modern medicine,  the size of the universe, the existence of "black holes," the productivity of the earth we live on,  the possibility of life on the millions of other planets, known to exist!  And on and on!  Miracle after miracle!  There but how and why! And for me, absolute proof that an almighty Creator and Designer is behind it all!
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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