Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Dear Editor:
After hearing that the Republicans are siding with Putin that Russia is not interfering in the 2020 elections, I wondered how this change of heart about Russia and communism came about. After all, Republicans used to hate communism and all that Russia stood for. Now it seems they are allies.
I grew up in a staunch Republican family and my Dad, a capitalist, used to preach about the dangers of communism. In fact, while praying the daily rosary, we also prayed “that Russia would be converted and there would be peace.”
My Dad’s views came from reading the national Catholic weekly newspaper, The Wanderer, owned/operated by Catholic laymen. Although independent of ecclesiastical oversight, it adhered to Catholic doctrine and discipline. 
Originally published in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in German, to minister to German immigrants who were being influenced by the Masons, it also claims to have been one of the first newspapers to speak out against the Nazis, viewed as anti-Christian, and felt Russia's participation in the Allied response was as an "unholy alliance." A repudiation of the paper's stance was published in Pravda.
Yes, things have changed in the Republican party!  How soon we all forget!
Joan Kopczynski
Spokane, Washington

To the Editor,
Cottonwood Precinct #1.  My Perspective.
When I first started serving as a precinct committeeman in Cottonwood, an elected official told me my most chief duty was to get votes for candidates.  In retrospect, I think he was really saying that he wanted me to get him elected.  I think a better duty is to seek honest women and men for candidates.  Last week reminded me of a duty that I think is equally or more important as a precinct representative.  It is this and do you agree?  It’s my belief that life, liberty, and property do not exist due to men and women making ‘virtuous’ laws.  On the contrary, it is because life, liberty, and property are tangible assets that existed beforehand that man endeavored to preserve these in the first place by making laws, i.e., life, liberty and property supersede legislation.  Crazy?  Consider the corollary.  If life, liberty and property didn’t exist beforehand but originated from laws, legislators, or documents, they are granted privileges not rights…..granted by those’ more powerful’ than we are.  Logically then, if life, liberty, and property were granted, it means that they can be taken away by those ‘more powerful’, and we are their subjects or tributary servants, not free.  
Scott Perrin

Redneck Review!
No. 252 - 2/24/2020
How to avoid politics?  Hard to do when the news reports that Bernie Sanders, a well known socialist, won the latest Nevada Democratic primary by a large amount, and is now the front runner for his party! Quickly researching past history tells us that candidate Bernie has made glowing  comments about and even complimentary visits to socialist countries like Cuba, Venezuela, and even Russia!  A quick look at the link between socialism and communism suggests that we have here an advocate favoring one of our most traditional and serious opponents, not only in the economic arena, but in the military area as well!
So, question?  Should America take him seriously, and should we be concerned if he does become the Democrat's candidate, and then win in November over Donald Trump?
A couple of quick comments!  First, President Trump has a way of shooting himself over and over "in his own foot," and therefore has definitely created a large number of hateful opponents, despite the fact that the economy, and our relations with other countries at this time is as good or better than it has been in recent history. Earlier winning presidents have asked the American people to think about the economy, and ask "Are you better off than you were before?"  Some have suggested that the key to winning the presidency is to think about the statement:  "It is the economy, stupid!" coined by James Carville in 1992, who successfully assisted Bill Clinton in his winning presidential campaign in 1992.  Anyone who gives serious consideration to the condition of our economy at this time is going to lean hard to President Trump!
But, there is definitely a second consideration that must be given serious thought!  Despite the dismal record of socialist and socialist countries in the past, the left leaning TV and major news papers have been pushing that system hard for decades in our country now, and that, added to the agreed majority of college and university teachers who also endorse that system, tells us that Mr. Sander's lead in the current primary race must be taken seriously!  History proves that ideas like this can gain a momentum, and once they do, have in the past run roughshod over systems that make a lot more sense!  This reality has led to the now famous statement that: "Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them!"
So question...could we be taken in again by the PIED PIPER call of Bernie Sanders and other left wing candidates who promise to level living conditions, by heavy taxes on the rich, with  free health care, free education, free this and free that, all to be handed out generously by a caring Uncle Sam?  My answer here is a resounding  "NO!"   It is my belief that there still is a majority of voters in this country who can see through the false promises and shaky logic of the socialist claim! Just giving some careful thought to the claims make by them sheds light on their dismal logic and "pie in the sky" promises!
First, look at history!  EVERY SINGLE serious socialist system in the past has collapsed in starvation and usually in rebellion!  No need to list them here, but a list is easily available for doubters!  The most recent is the latest 50-year decline from a wealthy nation to the starvation status today of Venezuela! How can we not learn from this example right on our border?
Second, even a moment's serious thought should convince a person that the entire setup is doomed from the very beginning!  Next week a simple example of this reality will be discussed at length, and should some light on the relative advantages of capitalism over socialism!
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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