Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Letter to the Editor
Although some businesses in Cottonwood are closed or have restricted operations, we need to remember that others are open.  They need our help now more than ever to continue to pay their employees and their bills.  Now is a good time to catch up on necessary vehicle repairs and maintenance as well as home improvements and projects.  
Some businesses that are trying to weather these tough times, include our vehicle body shops, Hometown Auto, Gem Builders Supply, B&R Sales, and others.  Building, electrical, and plumbing contractors are available to meet our needs.  Our restaurants are providing take-out meals.  Any money spent now in our local businesses is an investment in the future economic viability of our community.
Ron Grant

Idaho County Pulls Together
Idaho County is a great place to be living in unpredictable times like these. I am appreciative that the vast majority of citizens have thus far complied with the Governor’s order to limit social contact by staying home --buying precious time until medications and other solutions can be developed to counteract this pandemic. By wisely staying individually isolated, we in Idaho County have prevented the contagion from spreading amongst us. For this reason, as the chief law enforcement officer, I have not felt any necessity to take severely restrictive measures to enforce the Governor’s directive. Not only has this cooperation by citizens of Idaho County limited the spread of the virus, it has ensured our freedoms remain intact as we pull together in agreement to defend ourselves for the common good. As always, as your sheriff, I am committed to the least amount of control by government, which means more freedom for citizens of Idaho County.
You can be particularly proud of Sheriff Office deputies, dispatchers, and office staff who have been vigilant, faithful in their duty, and have not wavered in their jobs.  In the same way first responders, medical professionals, and emergency service providers have continued to provide for community protection in spite of personal exposure. Let’s not forget other services like those who are working to keep food supplies stocked up and gasoline flowing.  When others have stayed home, these folks have maintained important continuity for our communities.
The Sheriff’s Office sees no need at this time to enforce the Governor’s required restrictions with criminal penalties, and will maintain this position unless an unusual situation arises dictating such a strong response in order to protect others.  As sheriff, I am very reluctant to issue citations as people go about their necessary business in safe, common sense ways while at the same time staying somewhat isolated.  It is apparent to me that the people of this county understand and acknowledge the significance of this health emergency and are willing to do their part.  Be assured that this County Sheriff’s Office is working along side both state and federal entities to ensure fundamental rights are not being violated during this state of emergency, much the same as our office always has, and as long as I am Sheriff, always will. Rights given by the Creator are unchanging even during a state of emergency. I will continue to resist any attempt to impose unnecessary limitations on citizens of this county who are already in fundamental agreement of their rights and responsibilities and are pulling together in socially trustworthy ways.  
I understand that some folks are fearful, anxious, and some are prone to over-react or under-react to this extraordinary situation, but it is critical that we all make appropriate decisions individually, based on situational facts, and with concern for the larger community.  So far, this personal accountability has neutralized the power of government to intervene excessively and proven it to be unnecessary in Idaho County.  As a people we are demonstrating our ability to successfully govern ourselves without nanny intervention.  A sincere thank you is well deserved for the positive common sense response of Idaho County citizens to this unprecedented situation. 
Doug Giddings
Idaho County Sheriff

To the Editor,
Realizing it’s a little hard to think about the elections when we are in this Virus isolation, but we need to support our candidates you can imagine how difficult it is to run a campaign at this time in our country. 
Russ Fulcher is a great first term Congressman. He has proven he will do what the people of Idaho require. His experience in the Idaho Legislature and in business has helped him in Washington DC; he has fought hard for the life of the unborn. He has stood for your 2nd amendment rights and upholds the Constitution. 
Russ is devoted to going back to Washington DC and keep doing the business of the people as a constitutional conservative and help Idaho stay strong and independent and supporting our President. 
Rebecca Crea 

Letter to Editor 04/02/20
I am Originally from Delaware, where Joe Biden’s Son, the State Attorney General, relieved all 3 County Sheriffs of arrest powers. Four years prior to coming to Idaho County, Idaho, were spent in Putnam County, Georgia. I grew to respect Sheriff Howard Sills, especially in His Stand for County Sheriff Authority. That’s the expectation I brought with me to Idaho County, and upon getting to know Idaho County Sheriff Douglas T. Giddings, through covering much ground with Him, I’ve confirmed that He too is a Strong Stand for proper County Sheriff Authority.
So, Yes - I came here to Idaho County carrying specific expectations with respect to the County Sheriff Embracing & Exercising the Full Authority He’s Elected to Carry Out, and I’m Thankful We’re Fortunate to have the Services of Idaho County Sheriff Douglas T. Giddings who has clearly demonstrated in many situations that He Stands up for Idaho County Citizens regardless of who (including state and federal agencies) it is that seeks to deny their individual rights. 
In a sentence, my support for Sheriff Giddings is on the basis of His demonstrated Knowledge, Clear Thinking, Willingness to Take a Stand, and His History (years/terms) of Actively Embracing and Effectively Exercising the Full Authority given an Elected County Sheriff (the highest ranking law officer in the county).  Furthermore, Sheriff Giddings is led by His transparent Principles and Faith in God.
Meanwhile, it is widely known that County Commissioner - Skip Brandt, supports His Friend, Deputy Doug Ulmer, in His campaign for Sheriff. My question to Commissioner Brandt is: “what is the basis of that support?” Specifically, what courage, superior knowledge, qualities, skills, experience, history, leadership, and/or qualifications, has Doug Ulmer demonstrated over the 30 years in law enforcement that he can bring to that critical position of authority? And What particular advantage does Skip Brandt find in having his friend in the position of County Sheriff while he chairs the Board of Commissioners?
Raymond Bowers
Elk City

Redneck Review!
No. 258 - 4/6/2020
A return to  INVESTMENT in this review, but a greater discussion of CORONAVIRUS, ranking No.1 in news today, whether in daily papers or on TV.  And a most appropriate time to talk about it as the struggle to avoid it continues locally and in the world today!
Last week we asked: "Could Coronavirus have been prevented if more of us had really prayed...?"  Also suggested, maybe a more forceful effort to protect  innocent children in the womb, slain in our country alone at a rate of 3000/day since 1973, might have been a way to prevent what is now happening?  Personally, I shudder when I think of those helpless and innocent little babes being destroyed one by one!  And am reminded again of Thomas Jefferson once saying: "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just..."
Two thoughts here!  One, a political correct position would snicker a bit at this question, as we all know that little effort is spent by governments anywhere, including our own, in asking a Creator God to save us from such disasters.  To be with the "In Group" today, one must trust government and the medical profession to give us the answers needed to coral this illusive disease!  And a second thought occurs to me. What percentage of we citizens today would be willing to trust our Creator and His Son, Jesus, to help protect us from this threat? This has been mulling around in my mind for months as my wife has battled Sepsis since November, and is still not out of the woods yet. We still have to deal with the complications! We do however, much appreciate the assistance given by dedicated doctors and nurses who are on the front lines helping with every human problem that arises, old or new!
But the battle being waged by our friends in medicine and in government is now plaguing us with new and significant threats!  And in the remaining room I have for this lengthening  RNR, I submit the following concerns that I can not get off my mind!
1) How difficult is it going to be for our country to survive the near three trillion dollars that are flowing into our economy by reason of this year's trillion deficit and the two plus trillion now going to be spent to keep it going until normalcy returns!  Common sense tells us that huge new injections of money like this will trigger inflation that alone can threaten to destroy our nation! These columns have frequently asked what would happen to prices in the area if an airplane would fly over and drop several million dollars in hundred dollar bills. Well known economist Milton Friedman back in 1969 coined the phrase "Helicopter money" to describe what happens when huge new amounts of money are thrown into an economy!  Think about it folks! Are we ready for a huge "runaway" inflation in the future!  Is it not inevitable?
2) How really serious are the projections of the number of deaths that might occur from Corona? After all, if even that total reached one million, projections now estimate as high as 240,000, simple math tells me that one million deaths divided by our nations population today, over 325 million,  results in a ratio of 1 death to 325 people.  Those odds seem to me to be good enough to warrant a little bit more freedom of movement and production!  But especially since we now have 85 to 95 year old grandmothers not able to visit their own families or grandkids!  How long is this going to last I ask? Like Patrick Henry once bellowed: "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!  I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"  I wonder how many older folks today feel this same way, isolated as they are? I personally, wonder how many months it will take to return to  "normal?"  And I wonder how many other "killers" we deal with are just as deadly? Research provides amazing answers! Investigate it!
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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