Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

The right stuff
I am retired from 30 years of teaching shop, construction and agriculture. In those 30 years, I advised students that if they found a career they loved, they wouldn’t work a day in their life.
30 years ago, a man had a dream to become a deputy sheriff, a job he would love, and I am speaking of Doug Ulmer. Most of my experiences with Doug Ulmer has been with Idaho County Search and Rescue. On one occasion a young man was missing from a rafting excursion from the Selway River. We searched the river and its banks to no avail. Doug suited up in scuba gear and searched the river bottom until he found the young rafter’s body. He handled this delicate situation with the upmost professionalism and integrity.
During the recent floods of the South Fork river, namely in the city of Stites, I called Doug Ulmer to offer my Army 6x6 truck if needed. Within 30 minutes Doug returned my call and stated for me to meet him in Stites. There was a woman stranded by the 3 to 4 foot flooding waters. We couldn’t find the driveway as it was under the water. I asked Doug “What are your thoughts? Do you want to give it a try?” He had a definite yes to my question. We entered the flooding waters, and because we could not see the driveway, we got stuck and needed rescued ourselves. The point I want to make is Doug Ulmer, knowing the dangers of crossing flooded roads, jumped aboard and tried to rescue the person needing assistance, risking his own personal safety.
My last comment is not related to search and rescue, but a private matter, involving vandalism of mailboxes on Battle Ridge Road. Mine was among several that had been run over. I talked to neighbors and got a description of the vehicle and broken vehicle parts. Doug Ulmer investigated, found the vehicle, its owner, and had him pay partial reimbursement with the fixing of the mailboxes. And again, he handled it with the upmost professionalism to all concerned.
Does Doug Ulmer have the right stuff to be the Idaho County Sheriff? It is evident to me that Doug Ulmer had a dream to be a deputy sheriff, rising through the ranks and serving the citizens for 30 years. With his vast experiences and accumulated knowledge he now has a dream to be Idaho County Sheriff. It is the opinion of this writer; that he definitely would have the right stuff to fill that office.
I wish him all the luck to fulfill his dreams.
Robert W. Morgan
Idaho County Sheriff Posse

To the Editor:
The upcoming sheriff’s race will be critically important for Idaho Co.  The changing economic situation will bring on the need for strong and effective law enforcement.  We have in Sheriff Giddings the experience and ability to meet this challenge!  With his experienced team, the county will continue to be well served.  I encourage voters to return Sheriff Giddings to this critically important position!
Don DeArmond

To the Editor,

I have confidence in Sheriff Doug Giddings. In contrast to the other candidates, he has the years of experience in administration and day-to-day law enforcement that we need. He has served the public and led his department with honor and integrity and is up to meeting any challenges these next years will bring. I am pleased that he has chosen to run for office again, and I will be voting Doug Giddings for sheriff. 
Nancy Connolley
To the Editor
We would like to stand in support of Doug Giddings.  He is a man of integrity with high moral standards.  He has been a great help in the times we have needed him and we appreciate that fact.  We believe that through the years he has proven himself in the office of sheriff. 
Dick and Susie Brust

Redneck Review!
No. 262 - 5/4/2020
Enough said!  Maybe too much in fact!  It is admitted here that these articles have remained focused on the Coronavirus, the stats comparing infection rates to death rates, and finally the death rate from the virus compared to our population, around 330 million.  Recently the death rate due to Corona compared to the KNOWN infected individuals computes out at about 5%, or 5 of every 100, reducing to 1 of 20.  And the rate of deaths from Corona to date compared to our overall population computes out to 1 of every 8250!
But the closing paragraph in last week's review compared the chance of a baby growing in a mother's womb being callously slain in one of several  brutal  abortion methods, 1 of every 5 or 6!  61 million aborted babies from our 330 million population!  Wow!  Unbelievable!  That means if you are alive today, your mother and doctor was one of 5 or 6 that allowed you to be born!  And the unlucky sixth?  Since 1973, your life could have been snuffed out legally, and you would not be here today!  I say you, because, myself born in 1937, abortions were rare!
So before leaving this topic for awhile, some thoughts of mine keep demanding expression, so bear with me at least one more day as I share them with you the reader!
1) Imagine finding yourself suddenly coming onto a house on fire, and common sense tells you there is very little time to see if people are inside!  You crash through the door and in one room, already nearly engulfed in fire, you see a tiny baby crying in a crib, a middle aged men who has somehow been knocked unconscious by a collapsed wall, and an elderly man who is struggling to rise off his cot!  Knowing the roof will collapse any second, you must choose! Now I ask you the reader!  What would you do?  I bluntly claim that men my age would almost every one grab the baby and head for the door! 
So here is my problem with our national effort to control Corona!  WE TOTALLY  IGNORE the babes waiting to leave their mother's womb, conservatively being aborted, which simply is KILLED, deliberately at the request of or at least the permission of the mother, though some times admittedly coerced a bit by some FRIEND, or relative.    So my question, and my conscience plagued thought, is WHY have we tolerated this horror, to the tune of 2000 to 3000 A DAY!  A DAY it must be stressed!  61 million we are told since 1973!  Roughly one in every 5 or 6 babes waiting to leave the womb!  And the threat of Corona?  Not good admittedly, but a statistical 1 of about 20 today die of it, and MOST OF THEM OLDER FOLKS like myself! Why I now ask, did you not choose to leave the babe in the burning house, and strive hard to get the old man off his cot and to safety outside???  SORRY!  Makes no sense to me!
2) But another thought keeps bugging me!  The tremendous sum of an estimated $9 trillion has been proposed to solve the Corona, added to an already $1 trillion deficit for this year piled on an already existing national debt of over $20+ trillion! HOLY COW!  Cows are not holy, but that simply slipped out!!  What has happened to the knowledge older ECON students used to get studying Ludvig von Mises, and the AUSTRIAN school of economics?  Von Mises's book, HUMAN ACTION, considered one of the greatest economic books of all times, argues logically that excess money poured into an economy would inevitably produce run away inflation, called "galloping inflation"  by some!  A simple formula:  MV = PO coming from that group explains in simple language why our horrendous government expenditure on Corona threatens our nation, our economy,  and our way of life!  Hopefully it will come only in the far distant future! But von Mises has argued probably not far around the time corner!  Ouch! Discussed at length in earlier RNR's, we will return to his theory next week in detail!
Jake Wren


Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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