Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!

No. 266 - 5/31/2020
RNR last week started with the statement: "You gotta know the past to understand the present to know the future!" Sort of a bold statement it is admitted here. Yet experience has proved that the future IS IMPACTED by critically important events that have occurred in the past. Last week, three very such events were identified, and today it is intended to argue that they are critical if one is to have any idea what our future is going to be! What were those very critical events detailed last week? First, the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, son of God and the virgin Mary. Second, the documented appearances of HIS Blessed Mother who shook the world in 1917 by appearing six times from May to October that year, to three little children from the village of Fatima. The legitimacy of these appearances was documented by a widely observed "Miracle of the Sun" which was predicted in advance, was witnessed by over 50,000 people, and was reported by secular newspapers 50 miles away. A further proof of the event was the drenching rain that soaked the ground and everyone there, suddenly dried up completely after the sun's gyrations and plunge towards earth. Further proof was the accurate prediction of the end of WW I and the coming more deadly WW II, if the people of earth did not respond to the requests made. History also records other appearances of the same Mary.
Finally discussed briefly was the beginning of modern atheism by the Communist takeover of Russia in the same year, 1917, and the predicted spreading and growth of that atheism by Russia by the same Fatima virgin Mary.
These three and other past events are critical in the understanding of what is going on in the world today, and gives the individual a possible peek at our future! Another bold statement, but following is a brief argument why it is true, and needs to be understood.
The critical issue today is this. Which of the two philosophies flowing from the events above are to govern our lives in the future, and what will that future be like?
Will it be the followers of Christ who preached all HIS life the doctrine of LOVE, summarized very clearly in HIS statement of the most important commandment: "Love God with your whole heart ... and your neighbor as yourself?" Or will it be the driving force behind the atheistic theory of what the world of tomorrow should be, based on CONFLICT AND HATE?
Christianity teaches that every single individual is a child of God, and has an immortal soul that will live beyond the grave forever in the bliss of a heaven or a torment in hell, based on how that individual's life has been lived. Thus every person is to be respected and to be considered a brother, thus promoting PEACE between all nations and all individuals.
Atheism, Marx style on the other hand, is dedicated to create an earthly utopia, to be reached by an evolutionary process based on conflict and hate. A few of quotations follow supporting this theory! 1) "We must hate, hatred is the basis of Communism. Children must be taught to hate their parents if they are not Communists." - Soviet leader Lenin. 2) "We hate Christians and Christianity. Even the best of them are our worst enemies. They preach love on one's neighbor, which is contrary to our principles. Down with love of one's neighbor! What we want is hate ... " - Lunarcharsky, former Russian Commissar of Education.3) "It is no use hoping for a Communist victory unless we destroy Christianity." - Lafarte, 1944 Mexican Communist leader.
Before next week, we ask ourselves: "Which philosophy today is rampant in America?' Is there daily evidence who are the sponsors of intolerance and hate? Will they control our future?
Jake Wren






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