Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Dear Editor,
Ronald Buck (Progress 6/11/20) is a perfect example of a person who gets all of their information from the government and mainstream media and believes everything he is told. There is no reason to be alarmed about the suspension of our rights to free assembly, movement, work, etc. The thing to be alarmed about is a virus. So, any action taken to “protect” us from the virus is to be commended. Mr. Buck says, “The lockdown is a temporary measure used to save lives... Our liberties have not been taken away, but only set aside for the good of us the people.” While this may sound reasonable, it has one fatal flaw. It is based on lies.
Those who want to hear the truth from Clinicians, Researchers, & Health Experts being
avoided by mainstream media and censored by Google, You-tube and Social Media can go to www.questioningcovid.com.
The United Nations, with its hundreds of member states and thousands of NGO's (Non-Governmental Organizations), all with special interest backers, are carrying out an unprecedented worldwide operation. The completion of World Government control requires eliminating what we Americans can't imagine losing-  our freedom.
A crisis of alarming dimensions, such as Mr. Buck mentions (both also psychological-ops): Pearl Harbor (got us into WWII) or 911 (got the Patriot Act passed, launching the surveillance state, and starting two wars) is necessary to get us to submit to their further technocratic tyrannical control. Scare us bad enough and we'll cave in and allow our rights to be “set-aside” for our own good.
No government encroachment on our inalienable, God given rights has EVER been temporary! They always pile up, one on top of another, in a ratcheting effect. Like slowly turning up the heat under a pot full of frogs. We are being cooked. Governor Little is going along with this operation and needs to be stopped. He has declared Marshall Law because of a lie. He is destroying our economy and people's lives. He has stated that he will shut us down again if this virus picks up again. Lets recall him before he can.
Jay Maxner

Redneck Review!
No. 268 - 6/14/2020
"A time to think and a time to choose!"  Recent events in the news have forced their way into the minds of the typical citizen and created some sense of urgency that things might get out of control.  It is the purpose of this RNR to take a last look at a couple of the issues discussed here and suggest a third which is becoming more on the minds of many of us.
First,  is it not true that every one of us must face the fact that America is in a struggle with two different philosophies:  As Thomas Hobbes was quoted last week: "A nation divided in itself cannot stand!"  On one side is the traditional belief best described as Christian. Maybe not as militant as it was at times in the past, and certainly not as focused as were our Founding Fathers, whose emphasis can easily be proved by careful research. It can be seen in the single sentence in our Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness." True it is that this comes from the historical God-man Jesus Christ who preached love and brotherhood, summed up by HIS Great Commandment: "Love God with your whole heart..., and your neighbor as yourself." Lurking behind is the Ten Commandments, which Christ said He did not come to replace but to reinforce.  This requires that we believe that all men are created by the loving God, and as such, are brothers and are to be treated as such.
On the other side is the growing conviction that God is no longer necessary, and that man has all the answers needed to create a virtual heaven on earth. Traced back to Karl Marx and other Communist leaders, their conviction is that an evolutionary movement towards an earthly utopia is possible, but requires the elimination of private ownership, and suppressive rules required by Christianity.  Marxist leaders work hard to eliminate all ownership, wanting a rule of "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." This requires that the good things of earth should be shared equally by all, and that the capitalistic system which produces differences in wealth is evil in itself, and needs to be eliminated by the force of government. The goal will only be possible if SECULARISM in religion and SOCIALISM in economics is adopted nationwide, and eventually even world wide. The proof that this is the goal of this second philosophy was supported by ten quotations in the last two RNR's, and can be easily strengthened by further research!  But be warned!  The more research one does, the more obvious it is that the unparalleled and envied prosperity and freedom of the American experiment with Christianity stands out vividly, whereas the past experiments with Marxism, Socialism, and Communism have always resulted in death, starvation, and collapse!  And it is brutal to claim but necessarily true that the means of achieving these goals is conflict between workers and owners, and HATE as the trigger to move history along towards its goal. Time  only will tell, which of these two conflicting theories will win out in the end!
A third crisis has arisen in the past month that has stirred up rioting and looting across our land.  The death of one black man due to probable inadvertent tactics of an arresting officer has triggered once again the cry: "Black Lives Matter!" It has galvanized gatherings across the country, many of which result in looting and destruction. This issue deserves an additional look in the future, but meanwhile, would it not make more sense to be yelling:  "All Lives Matter!"  What about the many blacks killed by blacks in Chicago every week?  What about the lives of nearly 3000 babies aborted EVERY DAY?  Where are the gatherings protesting these and other similar causes?  What about the child trafficking going on below the surface?  Maybe it is time our nation returns to the  philosophy preached years ago by a Supreme Court justice John Marshall Harlan that "Our Constitution is COLOR BLIND!"     (To be continued.)
Jake Wren








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