Whatsoever Things Are True
by Dan Coburn
Pastor, Emmanuel Baptist Church
It's Lonely at the Top:  
According to two fellows named Kouzes and Barry, one of the most prominent myths about leaders is that they are: "prescient visionaries with Merlin-like powers".  (I had to look up prescient)  In other words, they know everything and are capable of everything. Not.  In the movie U571, the Captain makes a blunder when he admits to his crew, that he doesn't know how they are going to get out of the fix they are in.  His Chief Of The Boat, smooth tunes him up and warns him that his perceived uncertainty can kill a crew. 
Thus it is with people in positions of authority.  They must convey confidence even when their world is collapsing around them.  People think the boss gets to work whatever hours he/she wants to. NOT.  The boss is a catch all, for when the phone rings and someone's child has a toothache, or whatever; the boss has to fill in. Twas always thus. 
Nugget:  People seem to be wired to hold authority in contempt. Police?  I'll bet you think I'm going to the riots and dangerously idiotic behavior of the looters - I'm not, you already did.  I'd like to turn the Spiritual Switch and direct you to Zechariah 3 where we meet two people. The first is Zerubbabel, the governor responsible for the civil affairs of a nation.  The second is Joshua, (not Jericho) the Hi Priest with concern for the Spiritual life of the people. The former was focused on rebuilding the city and temple since the people were just returning from a long exile, while the latter was trying to educate (spiritually) folks who were ignorant, disobedient and sinful.  Do you see any of that today?  "There is none that seeketh after God".  Jesus said "For this cause came I into the world, to seek and to save that which was lost", and "as the Father hath sent me, so send I you".  "But they don't want to hear it" you might exclaim. The Gospel calls for a response, and the response is always change, and - "I don't want to change!". 
Nugget:  The vast majority of the folks our heroes are dealing with were born in ---- Babylon.  They had virtually no religious example, instruction or any positive influence to nourish a desire for worship.  Sound familiar?  I espouse our culture is tantamount to if not worse than their Babylon.  Is there any Hope for a people like this?  Yes, there is. In this courtroom setting found in chapter 3 of Zechariah, Satan is the accuser (always), you and me are represented by Joshua who has traded his priestly robes for "filthy" garments in an act of intercessory contrition for his people. But the defense attorney is Jesus Himself. He is our "Advocate" or intercessor. see 1st John 2:1  
Nugget: When Satan talks to us about God, he lies. When Satan talks to God about us, he tells the truth. Let that soak for a minute.
Nugget: Why is Jesus "ever at the right hand of God interceding on our behalf"?  Because we constantly need it. selah.  So, the Good News.  What was God's response to all these true accusations from Satan toward Joshua and by extension you?   "Take away the filthy garments from him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment." vs 4  This is available to you today IF you will repent and believe (follow) the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 10:13.   You don't have to convince Him to rubberstamp your program, it is "not my Father's will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" - 1st Peter 3:9......  
Ok, about the looters/rioters.  Here's the rub, and you really can't get around it.  On "that day" whatever it looks like, God's not going to ask you about the looters and rioters. He's gonna ask you what you did with His Son's sacrifice.  What could you say right now?  Get repaired.







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