Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle

To the Editor,
We are like you. We are mothers and fathers, daughters and sons, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews. We, just like you, are family. Some of us have fought and died for our country, and like you we see ourselves as patriots. We are Democrats.
We also work alongside you — no matter with a shovel in our hands, sitting on a tractor, or sitting at a desk in front of a computer screen. We too are trying to provide for our families and pay bills. We complain about our taxes, but understand that those roads we drive on and the services and the protections we receive are important to our community’s overall wellbeing. We understand that good schools, law enforcement, firefighters, and hospitals make for a good community.
We don’t know what tomorrow’s world will look like, but just like you we worry about what we are leaving for our children and grandchildren. We too teach our children to work hard, show up early, leave late, be respectful, and yes listen to their elders.  We are Democrats.
We, Democrats of Idaho County, want to share in our own words who we are and what we value. In an effort to cut through the stereotypes and hysteria this is what we value and believe: we believe in equal opportunity and a compassionate, inclusive society. We value clean air and water, good public education, fair elections, access to affordable health care, protecting social security and medicare, and placing people above profits. We also believe in protecting and preserving America’s Constitution; including freedoms of the press and religion. We are willing to do the work to build a better tomorrow for our children and their children. 
Idaho County Democrats

Redneck Review!

No. 281 - 9/14/2020
Wow!  The middle of September already and election day less than two months away.  Time continues to move too fast for a man my age with so many different things on my mind!
Today the year 1917 keeps bugging me almost day and night!  Two big events happened in that year, close to the end date of WW I which ended a year later in 1918.
That year, 1917, marks the beginning of the Communist rule in Russia, as a small group of Marxists under Lenin infiltrated the temporary government of Alexander Kerensky who had overthrown the czar.  Lenin and his Marxists followers quickly took over Kerensky's young government, and after winning a brutal war with backers of the old czar government in 1922, Lenin's USSR (the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) was established. Later, in the 1930's, under successor Stalin, millions of independent and wealthy Kulak Russian farmers starved to death under a cruel and repressive socialist rule. (Does that remind you of Venezuela today?)
Amazingly, that 1917 movement has grown faster than any other historical empire, including mighty Rome, as in just a little over 100 years, it  has gained control of not only Russia, but also China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, and is making progress in multiple other countries, like Venezuela, and even the United States, using the false promises of SOCIALISM as the lever to power.  Research shows the interested that repeated statements of Communist leaders prove their use of socialism as an intermediate step to the final "Dictatorship of the Proletariat." Just one example follows: Soviet leader Khrushchev in 1959: "We cannot expect Americans to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but assisted by their leaders... give them small doses of Socialism, until they suddenly...find they have Communism." He also said to the United States at that U.N. meeting:  "We will bury you!"
Communism has achieved these results dedicated to the following basic beliefs: 1) No God, 2) Relativism - there are no absolute truths, all religions are false, something is "good" only if it advances the Communist cause, 3) Economic Determinism - all human action is determined by economic conditions - there is no such thing as "free will." 4) Dialectical Materialism - History is determined by an evolutionary process involving CONFLICT! This can be seen in the opposite pull of the proton and the electron in science, and the battle between the "Haves" the property owners the Bourgeois,  and the "Have nots" the workers called the "Proletariat." HATE is the tool required to create the CONFLICT that will result in the destruction of the CAPITALIST system of private ownership to be replaced by the "more fair" SOCIALIST system, where government guarantees equal shares of everything. 5) Destroy Private Property Ownership. It is the root of all evil, jealousy, envy, etc. 6) Establishment of an Earthly Utopia - where all share alike dictated by the "Dictatorship of the Proletariat."
So much for now about the first movement that started in 1917.  But at the same time in the same year, documented visits of a "Heavenly Lady," the Blessed Virgin, mother of the God-Man Christ , to a small group of three children in Fatima, Portugal, occurred on the 13th each month, from May to October.  The final visit Oct. 13th involved a miracle witnessed by estimated 60,000 individuals, in which the sun suddenly began spinning and seemingly was plunging to the earth during an unusually heavy rainfall.  After a few moments of terror, the sun returned to its natural position, and the ground and all the soaked people there became instantly dry. During those six visits, the Heavenly Lady, predicted the end of WWI and a second more horrible WWII if the world did not repent, and that Russia would spread her deadly beliefs throughout the world! (Google your own research, or continue reading here next week for more on these two topics!)
Jake Wren



















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