Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle

To the Editor
Presidential Election Literacy is Helpful
No President is elected in November.  So, I wonder, why requests for concession speeches due to popular votes dominate some headlines when the game hasn’t even been played yet. The process for electing the President and Vice President actually starts in each State on Monday after the second Wednesday in December of presidential election years.  This year, it’s December 14 (3 U.S.C.§7).    At this time electorates from each State (according to their number of congressional seats) cast and sign their vote for President and Vice President (Certificate of the Vote). They pair these with Certificates of Ascertainment provided by the state governors and sign, seal, and certify them (3 U.S.C. §§8-10). These are sent by registered mail to the President of the U.S. Senate, Secretary of State of electorates, Archivists, and District Judge of electorates.  On January 6, 2021, unless changed by law, at 1:00pm the results are counted at the Capitol.  Thus, presidential elections are dictated on the votes of electorates from each State. Why?  If presidential elections were determined by popular vote then State sovereignty would disappear and candidates would only campaign in California, Texas, New York, Florida, and other highly populated States.  This would silence the voice of less populated States, changing our constitutional republic we now have to a democracy or mob rule.  The result?  Presidential promises and federal functions: foreign commerce, war, peace, would favor or benefit those in densely populated States.  This is one major reason the Articles of Confederation didn’t work, for some States benefited at the expense of other States in foreign affairs, nearly causing war between the States.  The electoral college maintains that the voice of all States are heard and is why it can be found in Article 2 section 3 of the Constitution.  Big Deal?  Ask Rosa Parks the benefit of a constitutional republic. A democracy, or popular vote, would have silenced her individual liberties.  Further, the electoral college codifies the contract made between the States (U.S. Constitution) that gives a voice to each State who will best represent their State in foreign affairs, the purpose of the federal government (Federalist #45). Relevant?  I think so.  After China informally declared a people’s war on the U.S. last year, we know the Chinese closed all flights in the fall in China but not to Europe or the U.S. where the Chinese knew Covid-19 would spread with certainty (Imprimis 49:9, 2020).
Scott Perrin
Redneck Review!
No. 289 - 11/9/2020
An interesting week we have had! Also an interesting year!  What comes next could make history in books for years to come! With this in mind, think about the following topics!
First!  How will the controversy over our recent election end?  On one side, we have a victory claim by Joe Biden, whose claim seems consistent with his recent electoral college count above 270, reached finally, after hours and days of continued counting of mailed in ballots, many after the election day date. So controversy abounds, and court sessions loom over charges of fraud everywhere!  Ballots with only Biden's name on them, others of  names no longer living in the state voted,  ballots dated after official deadlines,  votes from people long deceased, votes greater in number than the official tally of voters registered! The controversy goes on and on!  It will take weeks if not months to settle all charges, and in the background,  lies the threat of violence if the final results are not accepted by supporters!
A couple of thoughts continue to bug me though!  A check of polls leading up to the election warned of a "Blue Wave" which would sweep Democrats into office in record numbers.  Confident Biden backers were convinced that their party would swell their numbers in the House, that the Senate would pass into their hands, put Biden into the White House, and turn over the vice presidency to one of the most liberal senators in office. Party members looked gleefully to putting their platform into policy!  Continued total support of abortion on demand, huge new taxes on wealthier Americans, elimination or reduction of student debt, acceptance of same sex marriage, equal living conditions for all, and on and on!
But the polls were wrong once again!  Republican numbers increased in the House, the Senate seems still in their control, though dependent on a run off in January. Even Biden's 270 total awaits careful scrutiny!   And who can explain the large  and enthusiastic crowds at Trump's rallies, compared to the ones at Biden's?  How about the large leads posted by Trump by critical states election eve, which amazingly disappeared  by the next day!
Second!  Our recent attempt to move from our country home to one in town was delayed a bit this week! Drifting snow and numbing cold put the move into slow gear!  This early in November? Caused me to recall the "global warming" and the "Green New Deal" called for by the "winning"  Democratic Party! But still lingering  in my mind is the warning coming from scientist John Casey in his documented book  DARK WINTER!  His study of temperature fluctuations in the past caused by periodic "Sun Hibernation" warn us of a cooling period coming, steadily declining from about now to a numbing new ice age bottoming out about 2035.  His theory and tons of graphs of periodic warming and cooling periods were noted in detail in RNR's 37-41, in #61, #78, and again in #176!   Though I do not believe in "Global Warming," I will take it instead of  "Global cooling!" anytime!
Finally! I cannot ignore the record dump of trillions of new dollars into our economy in recent years. Repeatedly, we have warned here about the threat of runaway inflation and the rise in price of gold and silver as a result!  It has been argued here, based on expert testimony, that these future events will be shocking!  Read what Egon von Greyerz has to say recently about gold and silver! "Gold is the king of metals... but the crown prince of precious metals is silver .... which is both an industrial and a precious metal... the gold/silver ratio reached almost 130 in April... but is now down to 77, and will likely reach 30 where it was in 2011... and eventually we are likely to see the ratio back to 15/1. If we look at silver adjusted for inflation... the earlier $50 high would be equal to $950 today. Silver between $600 and $1000/oz is not unrealistic!"
Jake Wren


Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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