Identifications corrected
After sending us info on the two photos that appeared in the April 15 Chronicle and again last week, Fr. Jerry Funke had some second thoughts on his identifications.
“My geography was off on the Joseph & Philomena Schmidt photo--they first lived SOUTH of Cottonwood (past the ponds).  My mistake.  Just wanted to set the record straight. Also I went back to the April 15th issue where the photos first appeared.  There it says that the other photo is of Louis Schmidt's mother's family.  Louis Schmidt's mother was Elizabeth Jansen--the little girl on her mother's lap is identified as "Elizabeth."  So I assume this is a photo of Henry and Sophie Jansen.”
Editor: We feel he is probably correct this time that the photo is of the Jansens as it was saved in our files as “LouisSchmidtsMother.jpg. This information has also been confirmed by Doris Sonnen who is a descendent of the Jansens as well.
















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