Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle

To the Editor
Is Real Science or Politics Directing Governmental COVID Policy?
When science is driven by governmental bureaucrats and lobbyists, policies can be influenced more on political or financial gain rather than the Laws of Nature.  One example of politics driving science involved Stalin.  Millions died of starvation because a governmental bureaucrat, a pseudo agriculture scientist, Trofim Lysenko, taught seeds didn’t compete with each other, fertilizer was unnecessary, and seeds exposed to cold would increase crop yields in cold climates.  His ideas caught hold with the impatient, tyrannical Stalin. Scientists who spoke out were silenced.  Consequentially, crops failed and millions of Ukrainians perished from ‘holodomor’ (murder by hunger).  Is it possible that similar, scientific bureaucrats exist today? Have control seeking politicians used their data to argue, in the name of ‘necessity’:  to allow the executive branch to bypass the legislative branch, to ‘freeze’ personal property (non-essential), to prohibit worship or assembly, to approve dispensing vast gratuities funded from taxes of tomorrow’s children?  Now, manufacturing is disrupted, supply chains stalled, part shortages exist, medical treatments are postponed, and fear, confusion, and division affect individuals.  Over time, could the politicians’ ‘cure’ cause more damage than the biological illness?  Millions may not die of starvation but millions are deleteriously affected.  The biological illness is bad enough.  Who are these people?  When results don’t match the hypothesis, maybe the hypothesis is wrong?
Scott Perrin
Cottonwood, Idaho

Redneck Review!
No. 342 - 11/14/21
Okay, Americans!  It is time to step up and be counted!  There is a struggle for the heart and soul of America going on today, and frankly, the side most patriotic Americans claim to support is losing.  And once lost, no one who claims that label is going to be happy with the results!  Following you will find the reasons this author boldly claims this is true!
1) Despite the many disclaimers one hears today, the United States has a very Christian foundation, and that philosophy is found seeped in our beginnings and throughout our history.  Virtually every one of the original thirteen colonies claimed a particular brand of Christianity,  and jealously defended that brand and in fact many set up favorable conditions for those who belonged.  Read the early history of Virginia, Pennsylvania, and some of the northeastern colonies, and you will find particular brands of protestant Christianity virtually dominant in that state.  Maryland was catholic, founded by Lord Baltimore, and it might be true that early Georgia was somewhat of an exception, being the one state of the original ones that might be considered most secular!
Thus, any careful student of history can build a virtually impregnable case that our success down through the ages, our unmatched freedom and prosperity was and is a result of a firm foundation on Christianity, a belief in God, the Ten Commandments, and a moral code that clearly defined right and wrong. As has been repeated here several times, just one sentence from the Declaration supports this claim: "We hold these truths to be self evident,... all men are created equal,... are endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights,...life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."  Throw in the great Commandment:  "Love God with whole heart and soul, and neighbor as oneself," and you get a brief summary of our national birthright!
But as was claimed above, we are losing this precious heritage.  A google search today will tell you: "Pew Research states 65% of adults in the U.S. identified as Christians in 2020,  75% in 2015,...about 82% in 2001, and in 1990, 85%. And further research will make a case that fewer of those Christians actually go to church today, or adhere carefully to their requirements!
So how identify the upstart new atheistic or at least secular (having no religious or spiritual basis) force in control of America today?   Read the following for a few clues! 1) Nikita Krushev-1959: "We cannot expect Americans to jump from Capitalism to Communism but we can give their leaders small doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism." 2) Lenin-"Great political questions can only be settled by violence.  It cannot be that Communism and Democracy can exist side by side...Inevitably, one must perish." 3) Laferte-Mexican Communist: "It is no use hoping for a Communist victory unless we destroy Christianity." 4) Lenin-"We must hate, hatred is the basis of Communism.  Children must be taught to hate their parents." (The decline from 85% to 65% above suggests who is winning!)
And what about the following few goals of the Communist Party noted in Cleon Skousen's book, The Naked Communist -1954:  #7: "U.N. recognition of Red China."  #15: "Capture one or both U.S. political parties." #17: "Get control of the schools...put party line in textbooks."  #20:"Get control of the press...and control of radio, TV and motion pictures."  #25 and 26:"Break down standards of morality, promote pornography...homo-sexuality, promiscuity, as normal, healthy." #28: "Eliminate prayer...in schools..." #32: "Support socialist movements to give control over education, social agencies, welfare, mental health clinics." #36, 37: "Control labor unions and big business." (And dozens more quotes and goals where these come from!)
Jake Wren


















Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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