From the Church on the Hill
by D. Eric Williams
Pastor, Cottonwood Community Church
No one spoke for instant and then all at once confusion swept the household. Jacob, leaping and dancing with happiness, could only say over and over “it is Jesus – he is alive – it is Jesus – he is alive!”  Cleopas stood stock still with tears streaming down his face. Some of the servants were terrified while others were overjoyed. In any case, their reactions were equally loud.
Finally Cleopas pulled himself together long enough to blurt out - between sobs - “didn’t our hearts burn within us while he talked with us on the road, and while he opened the scriptures to us?”
He made three slow revolutions on his heels as he gestured with his hands, arms tight against his sides. “But now he is gone!  He is gone, and. . .”
“We must go back to Jerusalem at once! Right now Cleopas!” shouted Jacob.
“But, night is falling - and you know how dangerous it is to travel. . .”
“Cleopas!  I don’t care if the roads are full of thieves tonight!  I am going back to Jerusalem to tell the others! If you choose to stay here then so be it - but I will go!”
“Yes, yes what am I thinking?  You’re right. We must go back and tell the others. Yes, yes. . .” Cleopas turned another tight circle as he gestured feebly with his hands.
Jacob leaped forward and grabbed his friend by the shoulders to guide him out the door. “This way my friend!  This way!  If we hurry we can be in Jerusalem in little more than an hour.”
And so, running and walking, the two men traveled the seven miles back to Jerusalem as quickly as they could. The city was dark when they arrived but they had no trouble finding their way along the abandoned streets to the place where the eleven were hiding. In his weariness and haste Cleopas forgot to knock in the prescribed manner. He simply began to pound on the door.
“Jacob, it seems they are gone!  Do you suppose the authorities have found them and thrown them in prison?”
“No” said Jacob with a laugh, “I think you have forgotten to knock as you were instructed.” He stepped forward and knocked on the door with two quick raps, paused a moment before knocking with three more taps in rapid succession. Nothing happened and Jacob was about to knock again when they heard someone on the other side fumbling with the lock. Both men pressed forward in their eagerness and when the door was opened they nearly fell into the room. However, before they could say anything, the eleven – and those who were with them – surrounded the two men and began to babble about having seen the risen Lord!
“The Lord has really risen! He appeared to Simon Peter!” someone shouted.
Finally, once the hubbub had died down, Cleopas and Jacob were able to tell the assembled group about the things that had happened to them on the road and how Jesus was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.
“And so,” said Cleopas, “the women were right - Jesus is alive - he is the Messiah!”
All at once Jesus himself stood in the midst of them. A gasp ran through the room and everyone pulled back. Jesus looked around at them all with a smile. “Peace be with you” he said, but the whole group was startled and frightened, thinking they were seeing a ghost!
“Why are you frightened?  Why are your hearts filled with doubt? Look at my hands. Look at my feet. You can see that it’s really me. Touch me and make sure that I am not a ghost, because ghosts don’t have bodies, as you see that I do” Jesus said gently.
Then, slowly and with trembling hands, those nearest Jesus moved forward and reached out to touch him. He showed them his hands and his feet yet no one in the assembly could believe that it really was Jesus; it was too good to be true - and frightening as well!  Even Jacob and Cleopas found that the presence of the Lord Jesus caused as much fear as it did joy.
“Do you have anything here to eat?” said Jesus as he looked around the room. Someone handed him a piece of broiled fish along with a bit of honeycomb. Jesus took it and ate it in their presence.
Realizing that a spirit could not eat solid food, their fear begin to melt away and the disciples pressed forward to be near him as he commenced to speak.
To Be Continued.












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