Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle

Redneck Review!
No. 373 – 6/19/22
Complete change of topics!  The last few weeks we have been discussing the choices that American citizens have this fall and in the next couple of years.  Essentially, our future is quite simple! Do we go back to the system which in a relatively short time has been historically the most successful of all nations in creating living conditions which emphasize freedom and responsibility, and which undeniably, has become the envy of huge numbers of foreigners who are invading our southern border in search for a better way of life! 
Or do we fall for the Pied Piper of Disaster, and continue to rely on the phony promises of men who promise us a type of utopia on earth, where everyone can live peacefully, where a very beneficial government operated by experts promises us equal living conditions with handouts and free this and that coming to the common man?
Really, it is quite simple!  Will we rebuild by returning to our founding fathers reliance on belief in a Creator God and His earthly son, Christ, and His religion which has come to be known as Christianity, or do we fall as has happened many times in the past to the promise of a superior group of individuals who claim that man is totally in control and can deliver an earthly utopia?
Are we going to continue belief in the Ten Commandments, the Bible, and the greatest of all Commandments, Love God with your whole heart and soul and neighbor as self? Or are we going to fall for the modernist claim that "the white race" in America has risen to the top by suppressing the "dark races," and that hate and violence are needed to correct the situation?
Simply put, are we going to replace love of God and neighbor with hate and violence to remake the country we live in? Are we going to replace freedom and responsibility with a dairy farm type of system where the common man is cared for by a benevolent government's promises to care for all?  Only time will tell, and the future will give us the answer!
Now to the "Change of topics" mentioned above!  Following you will find statements made by individuals recognized for their expertise in the area of economics! We start with comments taken from contributors to MARKET UPDATE, a twice monthly Investment Rarities report, a decades long dealer in gold and silver located in Minnesota. June - Lawrence McDonald: 
"The FED is promising... QT (quantitative tightening) the next 12 months? Are they kidding?
They intend to aggressively normalize monetary policy , with... rate hikes and a...(systematic withdrawal of dollars from the economy). The goal, to dispel the growing belief that inflation is becoming anchored in the economy...But...the FED... cannot achieve...what they are 'sales  pitching...without...1) Accept a higher level of inflation, 4-6%, slower growth stagflation, or 2)Blow up the global financial system - a screaming buy for hard assets " (gold, silver, etc.)
M.N. Gordon:(Same June report) "In Nov of 2008, then FED chairman Ben Bernanke... Gazed back 80 years,... picked up a Milton Friedman book,... turned to the chapter on the Great Depression, and got to work using quantitative easing (QE)-inflating the money supply. He used...digital monetary credits created out of thin air, ... running up the FED's balance sheet from $900 billion to $1.75 trillion. Over the next five years, it ballooned to $4.5 trillion, (claiming) he was preventing Great Depression #2... Did it ever occur to Bernanke...that his actions were further distorting the economy and setting it up for an even greater bust?"
Today, with inflation around 8 to 9%, fuel up to $5 - $10, and our current FED desperately trying QT, and faced with the two results above, #1 or #2, what are the experts saying? (Next week!)
Jake Wren






Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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