Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle

Redneck Review!
No. 382 - 8/21/2022
Back to the present!  Last week we repeated an article written by myself back in the mid1980's under the title LET FREEDOM RING.  The article argued that the school year which was coming up then, and is just around the corner now, presented a tremendous opportunity for students to build a REPUTATION by taking advantage of the OPPORTUNITY to prove themselves capable of learning new ideas, to develop good work habits, to build a good reputation for being always present, on time, to being able to get along with others, and to follow directions precisely to complete any task assigned!
The LET FREEDOM RING series was an attempt by myself to pass along information that came my way in my attempt to keep up with the current events which impacted my classes in history, government, and economics at the time.  Much like the effort put in by myself in recent years to do the same under the title RED NECK REVIEW for the same classes my teaching career has included the last 30 some years.  Due to the efforts of my mother who saved FREEDOM RING articles now and then, and the efforts of my sister who gathered them together and asked that I have them put into a book, a 52 page book of those 1980 articles is now available and can be obtained from the Cottonwood Chronicle or myself.
The book is entitled LET FREEDOM RING. Also, all past articles of these RNR articles can now be obtained also from the Chronicle or myself, these in books of 50 dating back to the earliest ones in 2015, on up to the latest one #382 above. 
Finally, due to the efforts of my kids, especially son Fr. Bruce who bugged me frequently, to include in a book all the places we lived early in our family lives with a mother who taught school all around Idaho, and  a father who mixed winter work at gold mines like the Golden Anchor and Stibnight (There the goal was tungsten, needed in the WW II war effort), with a farming career on our local Camas Prairie, and the help of my close cousin Bill Wren, a book called A CAMAS PRAIRIE LIFE has been published by myself on Amazon. Later a second book entitled  CAMAS PRAIRIE: Prose, Poetry & Prayer can be found there also, with selected FREEDOM RING and RNR articles mixed with original poems, new articles, and prayers. Both can be obtained from Amazon in paperback or Kindle edition,  search CAMAS PRAIRIE, Jake Wren. Or from myself also. (On Amazon, they may be ON SALE!)
So now, back to the present and the issues and concerns one reads about or sees on TV the last few weeks. With the mid term elections of senators and representatives coming up in Nov., several issues rise to the top of our national concern list, and will prove to be the deciding ones in the selections made for Congress this fall, and for certain in our next presidential election in 2024.  Following is one of these critical issues, with several more coming in weeks ahead.
Decisions will be made at the national level in 2022 and 2024 concerning what should be done about them. These will be examined individually in coming weeks and months!
1) Election integrity! - No issue is more hotly debated today than the contested results of our last election.  On the winning side you find that this "Was a very honest election" producing results we have today.  The losing side however claims that solid evidence exists that the election was stolen, beginning on election night when the polls closed with President Trump ahead, only to find the next day he had fallen behind in the key states which determined the election. No claim will be made here, but the existence of the documentary's  2000 Mules, and  FRANK'S SPEECH, and of course the long delay in reporting, and the number of voters exceeding registered voters  in some states, and the suspicious nature of many of the absentee ballots makes one wonder! 
Stay tuned for an examination of several other key issues!
Jake Wren




Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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