From the Church on the Hill
by D. Eric Williams
Pastor, Cottonwood Community Church
In this series, we have touched on the biblical principles refuting inflationary policy along with those supporting private property and encouraging personal responsibility.
We have affirmed inflationary policy is a violation of the commandments concerning just weights and measures. It is sinful to debase the medium of exchange. It is an “invisible tax” especially encumbering those with limited resources.
We have skimmed over what the Bible says about the Old Testament meal offerings and the principles found there. The meal offerings were a recognition that every aspect of a man’s life and work should be dedicated to God. Indeed, And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. . . .And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ (Colossians 3:17, 23-24). They brought into focus the blessings of stewardship and responsibility. It is God who is sovereign and it is God who provides. He is the one whom every man, woman and child must look to in gratitude for the blessings of work and profit.
The WEF et al plan to destroy the upward mobility of the poor and the middle class. A debased currency degrades purchasing power and pushes people toward the acceptance of a “planned economy.” The abolition of private property diminishes opportunity and replaces personal responsibility with dependency. They want to make us dependent upon the ruling class for our daily needs. Indeed, they want to take the place of God, giving us each day our daily bread.
Now, some of you might think these economic problems are nothing compared to the tidal wave of moral putrefaction drowning our nation. You are right. Yet, we cannot ignore the damage done by ungodly monetary policy and practice. One thing Christians must be able to do is address satanic attacks across a broad front. Ungodly economics is of part of that attack.
So, what should we do about wicked money matters? Well, we should do what Christians are always supposed to do; live in obedience to the Lord. For instance, we must:
Pray for wisdom. We must use the prayers of the Bible (primarily the Psalms) to pray for the reformation or removal of those who oppose God. We should pray for forgiveness for neglecting God’s teaching on economics. We should pray for God’s provision during these tough times.
Study the Bible. Learn the Bible and its application to all of life. Teach the Bible – especially to your children and grandchildren. Every facet of life is under God’s authority. No part of life is left unaddressed by the Bible.
Find and support civil leaders that understand biblically sound monetary policy. If you cannot locate a candidate who understands biblical economics, prayerfully consider running for office yourself. We need wise leaders at every level of civil government.
Each of these represents a category of behaviors you should cultivate to the glory of God. The key is recognizing God’s sovereignty over all of life and working to realize that. Thus, I encourage you to bring your life and arena of activity under the Lordship of Jesus Christ – economics included.






























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