Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle

Redneck Review!
No. 389 - 10/9/2022
Looking back to the last sentence in RNR 388,  it was noted that silver had taken two big jumps recently, the first by 90c and the 2nd by a whopping $1.69! Immediately of course, the 90c one was followed by a couple of downers, moving it back to its starting point!  And it might as well be noted here, that bank shorting practices, probably by BOA, has methodically lowered it back down to its previous position!  Not surprising, but it CANNOT LAST, shortages in silver deliveries and the low price, less than half of its $49.51 high in April of 2011 has been putting a damper on production!  So, one of these days, or weeks, or months.....??!!!
But a total topic change today!  One of the most impressive miracles witnessed by thousands of people occurred in Portugal, 1917, October 13th. Many scoff at the claim, but on that day, some 70,000 people, gathered in a driving rain to witness a promised miracle. Many books and internet locations cite a spinning, pulsating sun appearing to approach earth, witnessed by all there, and reported on by secular newspapers miles away. The terrified witnesses also suddenly discovered that the ground around and all clothing had instantly dried up. The facts that so many had gone there in pouring rain, claimed to see the sun pulsate and start to fall, and that the soaked ground and clothing dried up instantly, accounts of which appeared in several secular newspapers, testified to the validity of the children's claims. The intervening meetings were interrupted by authorities, but a miracle on Oct 17 was promised to the increasing crowds.
Months earlier on May 13, three young children reported seeing a beautiful heavenly lady while tending their sheep away from home. The lady asked them to come back each month, and pray in the meantime, a rosary (Catholics), sacrifices, and attendance at a special ceremony (Mass) on five consecutive first Saturdays. Also requested was a special consecration of Russia (taken over by the Communists in the same 1917 year) by the papacy.  The promise? World peace if requests were heeded!  But future wars (WWI going at the time!), and the spread of atheism if not!  Hmmm!  What does the record show about war and peace the last almost 125 years? 
History students used to learn the old adage; "Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them!" Do we modern individuals have any idea of the historical record of the power of prayer? The Bible has one example! (70% or more of Americans claim to be Bible believers or Christians, followers of Christ).  When Abraham learned that God was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorra for their sexual sins, (Similar to what we see going on in parts of our country today...read Genesis, Ch. 18 and 19) where Abraham's relative Lot lived, Abraham asked God "If there be 50 just men there , will you destroy the good with the wicked?""No" said the Lord!  So Abraham asked "If 45 just men would save the city?" "Yes" said the Lord! So Abraham continued ratcheting down the just men number to 40, 35, 30, down to 10, and each time the Lord said "No, for that number I will save the cities!"  But even the 10 men could not be found, and the Bible, and historical accounts tell us of the total destruction of the two cities, with Lot barely escaping in time, though his wife in curiosity hesitated and was turned to salt, by the fire and sulfur hurled down on the cities by the Lord. Hmm? I wonder if there is any lesson here for all good Americans who truly want to preserve our nation and its enviable way of life?
A final question is asked! Does the claim that the percentage of people in our country today who really believe that a loving God is in charge is declining really true, and that the percentage of us who are willing to switch our faith to the power of men to control our future is rising also true? Could it somehow be possible that that the number of people who are storming heaven to save us and our country depend on just a few more of us?  Could those "few more" be you and me?
Jake Wren



Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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