Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle

Redneck Review!
No. 390 - 10/16/2022
Wow!  As of this writing, mid term elections are only about 23 days away, and many voters have already chosen to vote early. Not expecting other folks to vote the way I am going to, I still feel compelled to touch on the issues which are critical in my mind, and which will force the way I mark my ballot that November 8th!. Sorry, but in my 85 year old mind I truly believe that the outcome of this election will decide that we have turned the corner and are moving back, probably ever so slowly to policies and conditions which have made America the envy of all nations, and most certainly of the people who reside there! The other alternative if the vote swings that way, is that we will continue down the road of failed economy's before us, with an easily documented outright murder of over 100 million people since that fatal year in 1917 when the first of the movement we know as Communism took over Russia. There will be no time spent here listing the countries that have followed the Pied Piper of destruction to the bitter end, only to wake up when it is all over, and a Marks, Lenin, Stalin system of government was solidly in place.  There is no use denying it, because the record is clear, but hard to see during the process because the handouted money and the free nearly everything
is the tune the Pied Piper of destruction plays to entice the willing followers to their doom!
Have you ever researched our southern neighbor Venezuela, which over a period of about 50years went from one of the wealthiest countries in South America, and even ranked high onthe world scale, to a starvation status today which is hard to imagine happening in that brief period of time! That entire downhill record has been detailed in prior RNR's a few  times and is readily available for anyone who can access the internet! It was only a matter of two or three decades ago, that our current president was quoted at the time that "Venezuela is what the U.S. should be" or words to that same affect!
And of course the method the Piper laid out to entice the willing followers was detailed here very often, by words quoted by the leaders for all to see and analyze if the time and effort was taken. We include just one of the near dozens or so that have appeared word for word in past RNR's. Nikita Krushchev, premier of Russia, about the time of a U.S. visit in 1959, brazenly made this comment for all to hear: "We cannot expect Americans to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders giving Americans small doses of Socialism, until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism."  If, and I have to say, IF, you are aware of the methods and goals of SOCIALISM, you know that our administration, supported by many elite universities, much of the national press and television are pushing these methods relentlessly!
1) With this background in mind, I have no choice but to favor the party and the candidates who OPPOSE abortion!  I have beat this issue to death in past articles, and do not intend to do so again!  But this is #1 on my list determining how I vote in November!
2) Crime! There is no way  to overlook the unpunished crime that has stricken our country in the last few years.  Criminals go unpunished!  When apprehended, often released on a ridiculous small bale the next day.  Police, blamed as often as the criminals they face, are slain by record numbers! Yet from one side you hear "Defund the police!"  Dumb! Stupid!   Guess it should be mentioned, hundreds of business have gone broke and closed as a result!
3)Inflation!  Our current president denies any blame, but in the first week, he closed building ofa major pipeline, canceled permits to drill on federal land, and shortly thereafter, our #1 status of fossil fuel production and leading nation in the world EXPORTING fuel came to an abrupt end. We are now pleading with near enemies to supply more crude, and have raided our reserves down to near disastrous levels!  And trillions of dollars are being poured into a "green economy!"
(More very critical issues!  So continued next week!)
Jake Wren



Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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