Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle

To the Editor
The Tragedy of ‘Business in Government’
I perceive that too many men and women who struggle with their business product or service seek to join “the business of government” to secure subsidies, benefits, perks, advantages from the public treasury, or, directly from taxpayers in the name of ‘safety’ or ‘public good’.  Of course selling a product or service is extraordinarily difficult.  It requires a product and service that is so good that others will purchase the product or service by their free will.  I think owners who seek special exemptions, subsidies, benefits, perks, or advantages via public treasury are dishonest with themselves and others.  They render themselves incapable of improvement.  They turn away from the very challenge that invites them to tap into their ingenuity or creativity to improve their product or service…the very thing that got them started.  The public treasury becomes a crutch, stifling their internal potential.  Instead of unlocking their potential, in the ‘business of government’, they find it easier to obtain an advantage by adding a word to a law.  Further, they may eliminate or cripple their competition in the same way. Disguised and sold as ‘safety’ or ‘public good’, both behaviors are harmful to themselves and us who must pay for their crutch…crutches that are made of gold and debt.
Scott Perrin

To the Editor
I got a flyer in the mail last week from Governor Brad Little and Senator Mike Crapo asking me to be sure to register to vote, preferably absentee (the least secure/provable method of voting), so they can continue to Stop Biden’s Inflation, Honor our Veterans, Keep Taxes Low, and Empower Parents.
Brad Little is a liar – he had the audacity to say he “kept Idaho open” despite the fact we can all look up his lock-down proclamation of emergency issued the day after the USG issued a huge bribe to any state that would declare a COVID emergency. Why hasn’t he offered a pardon to Sara Brady who is still fighting criminal charges for taking her kids to the playground during the COVID (non?) lock down?
This is how Brad “kept taxes low” by taking a massive bribe from the USG. This is also how I guess Senator Crapo (why would he associate with an anti-constitutional criminal like Little?) keeps our taxes down – by taking over the FED (under Trump) and then printing money out of thin air. Sure taxes are relatively low, that’s cuz we are paying them via inflation!
Oh, I forgot, they are also “keeping inflation low” – just you wait till you see the prices soar after this midterm election!
… I could say so much more, but I want this editorial published so …
Consider breaking with business as usual and vote Ammon Bundy.
Sanford “Sandy” Staab

Redneck Review!
No. 391 - 10/23/2022
Wow again!  About 16 days only to an all important mid term election date the 8th of November! Seems like only a week or two back to the time we were told the fall election of senators, representatives, and state governors would be extremely important, seeming so far off that we had no reason to worry at the time!  But that "far off" date is literally here!
So below I will continue to bear my soul and discuss briefly the issues that seem critical to this old man who has lived most of his adult life in perhaps the best period for anyone whoever lived anywhere on the face of the earth! That period started shortly after the end of the second World War, 1945, and continued until perhaps a dozen or more years ago, when the cracks in our old beloved America began to widen and as of  today, are  threatening to seriously threaten the way of life we have enjoyed for the past half a century and more. 
Certainly we have had some irritating little wars like the Korean and Vietnam ones which drug us halfway around the globe at tremendous cost of dollars and lives as we threw our support favoring little countries that found themselves in the path of the spreading Marxist Communist wave beginning in 1917 with the take over of Russia, and has been spreading like a cancer ever since, gobbling up Cuba and close to taking full control of Venezuela on our near southern border.
Several well written and documented books have been written describing in detail the big reasons for this relatively unusual period of relative peace and unusual prosperity that has been experienced for nearly the entire world.  In brief, a researcher will find some of the big reasons can be trimmed down to just a few!  1) The emergence of the U.S. of A. as the sole and unchallenged force in the world who has acted as a type of world policeman, acting to open the oceans and seas of the world to a huge outbreak of international trade, allowing every big and little country in our global world to produce some item important in the world's massive production of consumer goods. A common American new car may have as many as 3000 parts that are quickly gathered together, on time as needed, from all over the world.
2) That process relies on massive freight ships carrying as many as 10,000 forty foot square containers each restricted to a total weight of around 30 tons. Because of fuel and labor shortages and costs, and the slow withdrawal of the American role as world policeman, this amazing system is threatened with an international breakdown.  A story for another day!
Woops! Time to get on with the issues personally seen by me to be critical in the future!Last week, the issues of abortion, crime, and inflation were listed as topics dependent on the results of November's election. Today is added the following concerns that a person might have, knowing November's election will determine the response to each!
#4) Election integrity:  Despite the left's claim that the 2020 election was as fair as any in the past, evidence keeps increasing that strange things happened between poll closing on election night which saw Trump ahead in critical swing states, only to find Biden had taken the lead during the night! The evidence is there and is worth watching for anyone who wantsto know what happened that night and days after!
#5) Political corruption: Books and videos and the testimony of whistle blowers who endanger their careers by submitting compelling evidence that our government today is controlled by men and women who do not have the best interest of our citizenry at heart. I am sorry if this offends some readers, but facts are facts, and ARE AVAILABLE TO ANYONE who really wants to know what is going on today in the seats of power in Washington D.C. And there are definitely more issues to raise that will be impacted by the vote on 11/8!
Jake Wren 



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