Do you remember Trent?
Trent Felton of Boise would like help in finding the family who fostered him, possibly on the Camas Prairie.
Trent is 67 years-old and remembers going to grade school at St. Joseph's Mission School in the years of about 1960-1964.  He can't recall the names of the people he lived with but remembers that they were kind and gave him a bicycle.
There was a St. Joseph grade school in Cottonwood during those years, but it was not a mission school. There was a St. Joseph Mission School at Jacques Spur in these years too, but Trent seems to think the school was on the prairie.
Are you 67 years-old, and did you attend grade school in Cottonwood between 1960-1964?  Do you remember Trent Felton from that era?  This will help to determine whether he needs to be looking at the mission school at Jacques Spur or not.
If you know anything, please contact Shelley Kuther, Any help would be appreciated!