Juniors take a look at Columbine
The Prairie High School junior English classes spent the beginning of the class Sarah Forsmann's posterperiod for the past month listening to the reading of No Easy Answers: The Truth Behind Death at Columbine by Brooks Brown.  We made it a goal in this class to really take a look at what has happened in our nation, and what literature comes of these events.  This book addresses many of the aspects surrounding the Columbine shooting:  the shooters, victims, police action, media, bullying in the school, etc.  
After completing the book, the students had a variety of projects to pick from (creating a poster, writing a letter, discussing the most important part of the book, promote the book to other potential readers, and write a poem).  They were then judged by the English teachers of Prairie High School.  
Top Projects went to:  Dani Terhaar for poetry, Sarah Forsmann for poster, and Natalie Arnzen for essay.  Congratulations!  They received a certificate along with a gift certificate to the Coffee Mill.  Their work is shown below.

Natalie Arnzen's Essay
No Easy Answers
By:  Brooks Brown and Rob Merritt
 Harold Wilson said, “He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human intuition which rejects progress is the cemetery.”  This quote holds valuable meaning, and ties in eerily with the meaning of the book.  Throughout the readings in the retelling of the Columbine story and history, one comes across the same meaning and point in the book.  It is to inform. I believe that the objective that the authors wanted to accomplish was to open people’s eyes to the truth, and hope that this would bring about change and prevent future tragedies from occurring. Thus, inviting change in and keeping the youth away from the one place that Harold Wilson says change is rejected.
 The ignorance that even surfaced after the attacks was laced into the story, showing that even with all the disaster people struggle to change.  The author’s main purpose of the publication was to stop the denial, rumors and reveal the hidden truth about his side of the story, and how the police screwed up at every turn of the page.  Here is where change and stepping up to do something became an evident message in the book.  When Brooks talked about all that he and many others, ranging from local parents (including his own) to students working for gun control, were doing to bring about a more aware and inviting society.
 The authors of No Easy Answers offered insight into the tragedy of Columbine, but as the title suggests was uncertain of the exact reasoning of all that happened that day, and how it could and should have been stopped.  Though they were sure of one thing as they wrote, “We as a society allowed Eric and Dylan’s creation.  If we sit back and wait for society to fix itself, it will never happen.  We will only see more of the same.”  I believe “the same” that the authors are referring to is the unchanging cemetery that Harold Wilson warned society of if they too ignored change.

Dani Terhaar's poem
Yes, you know what I mean.
A web of sin and injustice,
A fog of confusion
The nation stood still that day,
Everyone! Quick! Point a finger!
We must get this under control!
The demon lies not in the music or movies,
But in the school itself
Or in you.

The school and the legend blend
What else could you expect
From a place that breeds and incubates sin?
Were the killers justified?
Who am I to tell, their victims weren’t so innocent
The tables simply turned.

My heart goes out to the families.
They played no part in the cause of this crime.
Robbed, lied to, Embarassed
Could “Columbine” the legend have been prevented?
Did anyone have a clue?
Yes, they knew the answers.
To some, the future was clear.
Can you see what’s coming
For a classmate near you?

 Danielle Terhaar

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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