Updated June 23, 2005
School budget approved
The school board held a short meeting Monday, June 19 approving the budget for the 2005-06 school year as well as several recommendations for hire. . . .
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Blood drive set for July 21
Its time to remind all of you that  our next blood drive is scheduled for July 21, at the Community Hall from 12 to 6. . . .
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Ambulance to be dispatched by Sheriff's Office
The St. Mary’s Hospital Ambulance Service is now being dispatched by the Idaho County Sheriff’s Office.  Anyone in the area with a medical emergency should now call 911 rather than the hospital. . . .
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Nuxoll family history
The Nuxoll family history provided by Jay Nuxoll that had been serialized in the Chronicle is here in its entirety. . . .
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Hospital to host summer events
St. Mary’s Hospital and Clinics will be sponsoring a variety of fun runs and walks this summer to promote both fitness and fun and to raise money for the American Cancer Society. . . .
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Summer Reading program to start
The Summer Reading Program at the Prairie Community Library kicks off on Thursday, July 7th, . . .
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Summit releases honor roll, perfect attendance list
On Summit Academy’s 100th day of Kindergarten we had a very special day. We had our “Special Guest Day” and our 100th day celebration. . . .
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St. Mary’s Hospital Long Term Care residents, average age of 90 years old, mounted a fundraiser the last two weeks at St. Mary’s Hospital to benefit some of the area’s National Guardsmen and women serving in Iraq.  In addition to holding a bake sale, they also decorated and placed cans for donations in strategic locations throughout the facility.  As a result of their weeklong efforts, and thanks to the generosity of St. Mary’s staff, patrons, and  visitors, the residents raised almost $500.  With this money they purchased many much needed goods such as  personal hygiene items , writing supplies, candy and gum, electronic hand held games, puzzles,  and   large variety of toys and personal items for the children whom the G.I.s mentor.  The residents are sending these to 8 soldiers who have  family members  employed  at the Clearwater Valley Hospital and Clinic and to 6 who have a  family member employed at St. Mary’s in Cottonwood.  The residents are very excited at the success of their efforts to help, and very grateful to all who contributed in so many ways to that success.  The residents are now organizing and  boxing  the gifts for mailing later  this week.  The residents in the photo left to right are:  Zelda Lamb, Leona Wassmuth, Nellie Larson, Bill Edwards, Elinore Munton, Herb Ahlers, Ken Kirby, and Activities Director, Leslie Lewis.

On Saturday June 18th, 2005; the Cottonwood Wander's brought some of their animals to share with the long term patients at St. Mary's Hospital. From left are Zelda Lamb (head scarf), Jack George (sitting), Daniella Balls, Bill Edwards, Jenna Goeckner, Makenzie Moea'i, Kara Reilly (on horse), Dawn Bower, Bonnie Reilly, Nellie Larson, Elinore Munton (in pink), Sawyer Edminson, Treeya Wallace (guest) and Jacey Langston.

A Nuxoll family history has been serialized in the Chronicle over the last couple of months. We're putting it all on the web this week. see article at left. Above is an ancestral home in what is now Germany.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522

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