From the Police Chief
Seems that last week the Idaho State Police made an impression on the residents of the City of Cottonwood.  Allow me to explain some of the stories and rumors that are running around.
Yes, an ISP trooper did stop several individuals for violations last week, 10 in one day actually.   However, out of all of those stops, only warnings were issued, NO ONE was cited!  He had stopped these folks primarily for loud exhaust and mud flaps or fender flairs.  Idaho Code states that your exhaust must meet factory specifications.  This means that utilizing a cherry bomb, straight pipe, or modified exhaust IS illegal within the state of Idaho, and Cottonwood is within the state of Idaho.  Additionally, mud flaps on trucks, which a pickup defined in Idaho Code is a truck, must come to 10 inches from the ground and tires cannot extend past the fenders of a truck.
A little history.  These individuals have been spoken to regarding these same issues for over two years.  I personally have spoken with them, and six months ago did the same thing, and the trooper stopped these folks about a month ago, and I spoke with all of the younger set at the school two weeks ago, and each time they have been given warnings and told this was illegal.  While the Trooper had one vehicle pulled over several of the others would drive by, rev up their engines to ‘rack their pipes’ and laugh at the stopped individual as well as the Trooper.  They would then get stopped and another individual would drive by and do the same thing.  I’d like to ask how many of you would deliberately violate a law while within 10 feet of an officer, and then get upset when you got stopped?
So, now that everyone knows it is illegal lets discuss the Trooper stopping folks in Cottonwood.  As the Chief of Police for the City of Cottonwood I am ultimately responsible for the safety and security of the City of Cottonwood.  Now, everyone knows that the City has one full time and one part time officer.  With that it isn’t a far stretch to say that the city does not have coverage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.  The city right now cannot afford such coverage so, I have requested, invited, and welcomed both Idaho State Police and Idaho County Sheriff’s Office officers to patrol within the City any time that they may wish to do so.  Some have said that we don’t need the State Police or County Officers in town, as we have our own.  Well folks, I’m here to tell you that that isn’t correct.  In rural law enforcement it is 100% interagency operations and cooperation between different agencies.  There is no way that the job can be carried out effectively without the cooperation of each agency, helping each other.  I have utilized; and in return assisted, Idaho State Police, Idaho County Sheriff’s Office, Fish and Game, Secret Service, FBI, and Tribal Officers just to name a few.  I believe that the interagency cooperation with all of the different organizations only makes Cottonwood a better, and safer, place to live.
In closing I would ask that if anyone has questions, or issues, regarding law enforcement within the City, please feel free to contact me.  I will explain why things are being done the way they are, and try to work with everyone to ensure that issues are resolved in a satisfactory manner.  We need these other agencies around to help out and I certainly appreciate all the assistance that they have given to me and the police department.
Terry S. Cochran

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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