Tri-Parish Youth activities for January
Dear Friends in Christ,
The approach of the New Year brings with it the opportunity of reflection for all the blessings over the past year. It is here; we cling to new hope for all that God has for us as we begin yet another year in 2007. With our eyes forward and our hearts open we are able to begin our journey and see what God has in store for us as we embrace all the opportunities in January.
On Jan. 3rd the High School youth are invited to meet in Debbie's offices at 7:00 p.m. for a Renew meeting. 
First Friday is on Jan 5th, there will a movie at 8:00 at Debbie's office and adoration at 10:00 p.m. at St. Mary's Parish. For the movie, please bring your favorite snack, pop will be provided.
On Jan 7th the adult leaders will be meeting at Moscow to continue planning for
ICYC. The meeting will be at the Augustine Center from 1 :00-3:00. We will be leaving St. Mary's Parking Lot at 11:00 p.m. 
Debbie's Confirmation class will be meeting at the JHPB on Jan. 8th at 7:30 p.m. following the mass. Please read chapter 4 and answer questions 16-20. 
The Peer Ministry Team will meet at Debbie's office at 7:00 p.m. on Jan. 10th. The focus of the meeting will be on evaluating the team and planning the January Jr. High Bible study. 
On Jan. 13th there will be a youth mass at St. Mary's at 7:00 p.m.
On Jan 15th the High School Youth are invited to meet at the Coffee Mill for a time of fel1owship and fun. 
On Jan. 17th the Bread of Life Bible Study wil1 meet to continue the book of Job; bring your Bible and a snack. 
On Jan. 22nd all youth and adults who are planning to participate in the 2008 African Mission Trip are asked to attend a meeting at the JHPB @ 7:30. The focus of the meeting will be to discuss future fundraisers. 
On Jan. 24th Debbie's Confirmation Class will meet at the JHPB at 7:00 p.m. Please read Chapters 5 and answer questions 21-25.
On Jan. 28th the Community Service team will meet to clean after the Engaged
Encounter at St. Gertrude's Monastery at 1:30 p.m. If you have questions please call Stacie Dinning. At 7:00 p.m. all High School youth are invited to a Jam Session at the Keuterville Hall. This session is the first of our small group monthly gatherings for music. Please call Lauretta Poxleitner if you have questions.
On Jan. 31st @ 7:00 p.m. the Peer Ministers are hosting the Junior High Bible Study @ JHBS @ 7:00 p.m. All Junior High Youth are invited!!
I pray that your New Year is filled with the peace of Christ and that your eyes are open to all the blessings before you. Happy New Year!!

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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