County 4-H party is Saturday
The Annual Idaho County 4-H Party will be held Saturday, March 10, 2007, at the Grangeville National Guard Armory beginning at 10:00 a.m.  4-H members and their friends gather at this event which is a "Penny Arcade" intended to raise the awareness of the Idaho County 4-H Program and encourage youth and adults to participate in this youth development program.
Each of Idaho County’s 4-H clubs set up a booth at which chances to play cost from one to twenty-five cents. These booths offer a wide variety of games.  Some of this year’s games may include penny drops, cookie decorating, face painting, bingo, and roping.  
The games conclude at noon with a free hamburger barbecue lunch will be served y the Idaho County 4-h Ambassadors.  The Idaho County Cattle Association provides the hamburger and  barbecues the meat  The Idaho County Wheat Growers Association also makes a donation to help offset the expenses for lunch.  
Come join the fun!

The 4-H Youth Development Program In Idaho County-Living the Pledge
I pledge my . . .
My Head to clearer thinking
My Heart to greater loyalty,
My Hands to larger service, and
My Health to better living
For my club, community, my country, and my world.
If you know the 4-H Pledge from memory, you are not alone!  In Idaho County 450 members, 80 adult volunteer leaders and countless parents recited this pledge and the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of every 4-H meeting they attended in 2006.  The 4-H tradition began over 100 years ago and its roots continue to run deep in the communities of Idaho County.
The 4-H Program is a youth development program for youth ages 8 to 19.  Though 4-H was originally instituted to aid farm families, it has evolved to include members far from rural communities.  Project areas have grown from the original livestock, cooking and sewing to include horsemanship, rocketry, entomology, and guide dogs, just to name a few.
The goals of 4-H are to provide opportunities for young people to develop citizenship, responsibility and leadership skills, improve their public speaking ability, and to gain self-confidence. 
To most people 4-H means various projects and the Idaho County Fair.  While it’s true the Idaho County Fair is the grand finale of the 4-H year, there are many other important events that take place along the way.  One of the most important is the Community Service Projects that all 4-H Clubs do through out the year.
Participating in a Community Service Project and living the 4-H Pledge by giving their 
“ hands to larger service” gives 4-H members the opportunity to know their actions are making a difference in their communities.  Giving to others fosters self-esteem and provides another avenue for the development of leadership and organizational skill.  Providing a solid foundation of citizenship for our youth today enables them to be our leaders of tomorrow. 
The 4-H youth and adults throughout Idaho County accomplished some incredible things during the 2006 4-H year.
4-H Ambassadors
· Volunteered to help with Relay For Life filling over 1,000 luminaria bags with sand and candles.
· Organized a Relay For Life team and participated in the event walking through the 24 hour relay and raising $1,300 for the American Cancer Society.
Camas Livestock 4-H Club
· Repainted all of the trash cans used during the Idaho County Fair.
Cottonwood Drifters 4-H Club
· Ran the St. Jude Bike-a-thon in Cottonwood for several years and have donated over $500 to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
· Participated in the Community Cleanup day by picking up trash around the Middle School, Cemetery, and City Hall.
Cottonwood Wanders 4-H Club
· Weeded the garden at St. Mary’s Hospital and planted new flowers.
Cottonwood Saddliers 4-H Club
· Cleaned 26 miles of Cottonwood Highway District Road
Fenn Livestock 4-H Club
· Held a Baked Food Sale and donated the proceeds of $125 to the Grangeville Food Bank
Greencreek Active Workers
· Cleaned 35 miles of roadside in the Greencreek and Winona area.
· Painted the “G” on the hill above Greencreek
· Painted the Fence around the Greencreek Hall
· Participated in Rural Life Sunday by providing juice and rolls for the Greencreek community to thank them for their support
Indoor/Outdoor 4-H Club
· Organized the Easter Egg Hunt for the Cottonwood community. 
· Boiled and colored 90 dozen eggs for the egg hunt.
· Gathered donations for the community to purchased prizes for the egg hunt. 
Keuterville Livestock 4-H Club
· Cleaned 25 miles of roadsides in the Keuterville area.
The week of March 4-10 marks the celebration of Idaho County 4-H Week.  This annual event provides recognition and visibility to the members, parents and volunteer leaders involved in the Idaho County 4-H program.  4-H Week is also intended to be a recruitment tool for the Idaho County 4-H Program.  Clubs are organizing and inviting new members to become involved in the 4-H experience.  
If you would like to become a member of the 4-H program, or if you would like to be a volunteer leader, you can call the Idaho County Extension Office at 983-2667. 

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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