"Where there's smoke, there's fire"
JJuly 11, 2007 will mark the 100 year anniversary of the formation of the Cottonwood Volunteer Fire Department.  The following are some excerpts from meeting minutes and records of the department throughout the years.  There will be more history published each week prior to the anniversary.

Fire Department Members
January 17, 1939 – “E.S. Stoddard was elected Fire Chief.  A vote by ballot resulted in a tie between Mike Hilbert and Matt Engel for Assistant Fire Chief.  On the flip of a coin, Engel was named Assistant Chief and Hilbert Secretary/Treasurer.”

The 1995 Fire Department Roster included: Kevin Kaschmitter, Rod Behler, Dave Fuzzel, Denis Duman, Gary Riener, Morris Arnzen, Mike Lerandeau, Mike Nuxoll, Joe Seubert, Bill Schumacher, Tom Sonnen, Ken Stubbers, Ron Grant, Jack Duman, John Kaschmitter, Terry Cochran, Greg Sonnen, Keith Becker, Pat Holthaus, and Rob Stinson.

Business Topics
June 27, 1938 – “By a vote of the members present, it was decided to purchase the Jiffy Fire Fighter and the Secretary was instructed to issue a check for $24.05 in payment for same.”

December 15, 1941 – “Due to the need for preparedness during the war, a committee was appointed for the purpose of obtaining all possible information for a home defense unit such as blackouts, air raids, fires, etc.”

January 19, 1953 – “Motion was made, seconded, and passed to buy each of the Telephone Office girls a pair of hose.”

December 18, 1961 – “Because of the fire hazard at the Catholic Church, it was suggested that several firemen be on duty with fire extinguishers during the Christmas midnight mass.”
Fires & Emergency Response
November 15, 1954 – A donation of $5.00 from Lawrence Arnzen was received as an appreciation for the help in extinguishing the fire at the Gus Wemhoff ranch.”

November 20, 1978 – “Chief to write a thank you note to supervisors of out-of-town firemen that responded to the Twin’s fire.”

December 16, 1996 – “Ralph Terhaar’s rental house chimney fire was discussed.  The rural engine has ladders that may be too short.  We need to use rope to help set up the roof ladder and call for backup equipment if needed.”

February 5, 2007 – “At next meeting we will train on our new Thermal Imagers.  We have 2 members scheduled for Imager training at the South Idaho Fire Academy the weekend prior to our next meeting.  We will also review the fire and attack on the Ratcliff house and review roof safety procedures.”

The Texaco Building fire in July of 1991

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



Classified Ads

503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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