PHS Awards assembly held
Kylie Uhlorn and Laura Gehring were recognized as students of the year at the Prairie High School awards assembly held last Wednesday, May 23.
Uhlorn was recognized as the honor student of the year while Gehring was recognized as the outstanding student of the year.Athletes of the year at PHS were J.D. Riener and Tabitha Sonnen.
Booster Club students of the year were Cassie Chandler and Daniel Sigler. They were also recipients of the Citizenship Awards.
King of Sports was J.D. Riener while Nicole Nida was Queen of Sports. Athletes of the year were J.D. Riener and Tabitha Sonnen.
“The Prize” went to Cassie Chandler.
Outstanding Science awards went to Jessica Gehring and Alex Richardson.
Airforce Outstanding Math Awards were to Jessica Gehring and Ariel Whitley.
Knowledge Bowl High Points awards went to Ariel Whitley and Jason VonBargen.
Spirit of Knowledge Bowl award went to Vitek Spanhel.
Knowledge Bowl awards went to Whitley, Carson Heath Jenifer VonBargen, Jason VonBargen, Skyler Hood, Nikki Roeper, Kevin Karel and Spanhel.
United States Army Reserve Scholar Athlete awards went to Kylie Uhlorn and J.D. Riener.
Band Director’s award went to Ashley Nuxoll. Outstanding underclassman was Jonathan VanHoutan. John Phillip Sousa Award went to Ariel Whitley. Most Improved went to Taylor Rieman. 8 year service certificates went to Corey Schaeffer and Ashley Nuxoll.
The Choir Director’s award went to Jonathan VanHoutan. Most improved was Jenifer VonBargen and outstanding underclassman was Gina Seubert.
Spanish I top students were Ariel Whitley and David Sigler. Spanish II top students were Tiffany Schaeffer and Jessica Gehring. Most improved Spanish student was Cassie Chandler.
Forever Free Drug Free outstanding seniors were Cassie Chandler, Daniel Sigler and Ryan Daly. Each received a $200 award.
Forever Free Drug Free scholarships were to Kyle Daly, $400; Ryan Daly, $300; Eric Daly, $200 and Calista Karel, $50.
Industrial Tech Club awards went to Kyle Holthaus, Alex Richardson and Taylor Rieman.
Queen and King of Sports were Nicole Nida and J.D. Riener.High School Rodeo awards went to Diana Geis and Shandrie Poxleitner. 
President’s Educational Excellence Awards went to Shayla Dalgliesh, Carolyn Sonnen, Tabitha Sonnen, Randi Schumacher, Kayla Uhlenkott and Kylie Uhlorn. 
President’s Eduational Achievement Awards went to Charlene Duman, Jacquie Henry Ted Stefan and Deanna Reed.
American Citizenship Awards went to Laura Gehring, Chelsea Long and Kylie Uhlorn.
Prairie Active Volunteer Effort (PAVE) awards were to Rachel Kaschmitter, Katie Nuxoll, Laura Gehring, Amber Holthaus, Carly Behler, Gina Seubert and Kara Guyer.
Booster Club award for those with 3.5 or above grade point averages for the 2006-07 school year were Sarah Arnzen, Sienna Benton, Shayla Dalgliesh, Kyle Daly, Anthony Duman, Lauren Duman, Andrew Gabica, Jessica Gehring, Laura Gehring, Diana Geis, James Hager, Alli Holthaus, Kyle Holthaus, Vanessa Hylton, Rachel Kaschmitter, Leora Laurino, Emily Lerandeau, Kayla Lorentz, Kelsey marker, Kristi Poxleitner, Alex Richardson, Derek Schaeffer, Kimberly Schaeffer, NaTosha Schaeffer, Tiffany Schaeffer, Keith Schultz, Randi Schumacher, David Sigler, Carolyn Sonnen, Tabitha Sonnen, Kayla Uhlenkott, Kylie Uhlorn, Ariel Whitley and Wyatt Williams.
Student Council members received an award recognizing their year of service. They were Kylie Uhlorn, president; Daniel Sigler, vice-president; Tessica Nuxoll, secretary and Ryan Daly and Shandrie Poxleitner, spirit leaders.
Students of the month winners throughout the year received plaques. Honor students were Jessica Gehring, Ariel Whitley, Alex Richardson, Carolyn Sonnen, Dan Riener, Shayla Dalgliesh, Tabitha Sonnen, Kylie Uhlorn, Randi Schumacher and Kayla Uhlenkott. Outstanding students were Laura Gehring, Ashley Nuxoll, Samantha Johnson, Kayla Lorentz & Christa Wilson, Daniel Sigler, Cassie Chandler & Tony Duman, Charlene Duman, J.D. Riener, Lauren Duman & Abbi Lustig, and Vanessa Hylton.

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