News from NICI
North Idaho Correctional Institution seeks always to be a good neighbor in the community of Cottonwood.  Protecting local citizens is our most important priority.  Because of that, NICI Warden Lynn Guyer offers these safety tips for members of the community.
These safety precautions are good practice at any time, and are essential in the event of an escape. 
· Remove keys from vehicles
· Lock doors and secure windows when leaving or at night.  This is not just your house, but includes building you would not wants someone entering.
· Have guns secured – stuffed under the pickup seat isn’t the most secure.
· Report any suspicious activity to the authorities at 911.
In the event of an escape please note this extra safety precaution:
· Don’t drive the roads attempting to help authorities find escapees.  You may actually hinder the recovery and divert attention away from the search.
Escapes are very isolate events, but they do occur.  Practicing these safety measures is your best protection.
The Idaho Department of Correction conducts a thorough and complete review in any incident that occurs at NICI, including escapes.  Community input is always welcome.
Most of NICI’s staff live in the local area and share in the values of the Prairie.  NICI employees support the local businesses and economy.
Inmates housed here also give back to the community.  NICI has provided over 3000 hours of free labor to the community this year.  Recent Cottonwood projects include work at the Cottonwood Cemetery and Cottonwood Schools.  NICI work crews cleaned downtown after the “Biker Bash,” donated cement benches to the city, prepared Wimer Fields for baseball and softball season, and donated the bleachers at the football fields. 
NICI work crews go beyond Cottonwood to include projects assisting Grangeville in setting up Christmas lighting, work at the Mammoth Exhibit and cleaning up along the river after the jet boat races. 
Our primary mission is to evaluate offenders for the courts so that those returning to probation can live in their communities (i.e. protect society), we deliver education and treatment programs to promote success and behavioral change.  The results are:
· 90 percent return to communities throughout Idaho and 66% of these are successful in completing the requirement of probation.
· 311 earned GEDs and 5 completed high school diplomas
· Almost all complete a substance abuse treatment program and go on to aftercare in their local communities
· Just over 100 inmates work at institutional jobs each month in addition to education and treatment programming
All of the activities at NICI are designed to make Idaho communities safer and inmates more able to work and live in their communities.  Please let us know if you have any questions.  

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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